My Setraline Story - can anyone relate?
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Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting here - and as I’ve veen going through this road, every day I seem to come back aimlessly searching for someone who’s had a similar experience, or any kind of reassurance really. I previously was on Zoloft(setraline) for 2 years, I went off the medication cold turkey, went back on for a couple weeks because withdrawals were bad, then went off again, rather quickly, within 2 weeks, because my husband and I wanted to have a baby. I had a couple anxiety attacks and panic attacks about a month after coming off, but nothing too bad. I stuck through it up until my severe depression came creeping back - I found myself hysterically crying saying I didn’t want to live anymore... so I knew I needed help. I took 50mg Setraline that night, and in the morning I felt terrible, like a panic attack that just wouldn’t go away. Shakes, nausea, adrenaline, couldn’t sleep, racing thoughts, no energy. The best way I could describe it is that feeling you get when you’re going down the stairs and you think you’ve missed a stair... that, but for a week straight. I took it upon myself to go down to 25mg to see if that would help the side effects... about a week and a half later the constant panic began to subside so I upped to 50mg... but I was starting to have anxiety attacks, derealization, intrusive thoughts etc. It was a nightmare. 2 weeks after the 50mg, I upped to 75mg. I was constantly crying and truly believed I was losing my mind and I would never get better. Finally after a couple weeks it started to get less and less. It’s been a full 5 weeks now since I started the 75mg. Now I feel more depressed than I have in a long time. I have no energy, all I want to do is sleep, I get excited about nothing, I feel numb.. except for when I have crying fits. I have been off work since I took the first pill on August 4th.. and I just feel hopeless. Is this normal? Should I be waiting longer before upping the dose to 100mg? Has anyone had a drastic improvement from 75 to 100? Any advice is so appreciated and thank you so much for taking the time to read this long post. I’m sorry if it’s confusing.
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ashleyrocks910 lisa64762
I can totally relate. I just increased my dosage to 150mg after trying to go down in dosage (which obviously didnt go well). The first time I took Zoloft was almost 10 years ago, so I dont remember the side effects but I remember it was really hard. This time around, my side effects are crazy. I have constant anxiety 24/7, dry mouth, shakes, head feels fuzzy, tired, unable to sleep, panic attacks, sleep panic, the whole 9 yards. It's like living in a nightmare that I just cant wait to wake up from. Yesterday I had an okay day, the morning was horrible and then the rest of the day I was finally able to engage my mind in something for more than 30 seconds. I know that it can take 6-8 weeks to feel the full effects of the medication, so try to stick it out and talk to your doctor about it. Hope this helps.
lisa64762 ashleyrocks910
I’m sorry to hear you’re in the middle of the rough patch.. but I can tell you that this does calm down, I know it doesn’t feel that way, but it will! We’re all in this together
ashleyrocks910 lisa64762
Today is a better day for me
Anxiety was really bad this morning (I take my Zoloft in the evening), but I was actually able to take a 20 min nap today without panicking which is a miracle in it's self. As they day went on I took a small walk outside, came back, searched through every anxiety/depression forum I could think of, and before you know it, it was time to take my Zoloft again. After taking it I am feeling much more myself. I almost don't want to go to bed tonight because I just want to keep feeling more like myself. Hopefully there are more good days to come. We can and will get through this, one day at a time.
lisa64762 ashleyrocks910
sharon27383 lisa64762
Good luck and stay strong
lisa64762 sharon27383
Thanks for the reply! I’m happy to hear you’re doing much better!! One thing I can say is this experience really tests us as humans and what we can handle. I can’t wait for the day to be able to say all of this is behind me. My GP recommended CBT years ago, but I never ended up going - I’ve been researching about it a lot and only have heard good things. Thanks again for your support xx