My Silent Reflux LPR, Airway reflux Experience HELP !!
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Hi All
My problem started around 12 months ago after a bad bout of chest/lung infection treated by anti biotics and i have not been right since. Im not saying it has anything to do with it but it seemed to start after that. I have daily the trying to clear my throat especially in the morning after i get up usually after i have eaten. This clearing is normally combined with a couch or tickle type cough in the morning. It usually subsides after an hour or so but starts again anytime of day and during the afternoon usually. I also get Hoarseness sometimes in the throat the sort off feeling like you get if youve been shouting or none stop talking and you voice struggles. In addition i sometimes get a lump in the throat feeling to. When i go to bed i dont get any problems during the night its just the rest of the day. Im guessing after reading this thread/forum that its LPR silent reflux I have .
Does anyone else experience this as it really gets me down and I worry a lot. Im quite a stressful person and hate going to the doctors.
I have also just received the results from the biomed peptest which both samples tested positive one at moderate 99 ng/ml and the other at very high 250 ng/ml . Im not sure i did the test correct as i left it several weeks before doing it and didnt store the tubes in the fridge as i found out later i should have. I also did the 2 samples at the same time so am a little confused why one was 99 and the other 250 ??
Anyway is saw my GP today and explained what was going on and my peptest and she didnt seem to fully understand imho.. she as told me to take one Lansoprazole each night and if things dont improve go back in a month. I know they wont work as i have tried them before. I am drinking alkaline water but not really noticed any difference so know going to change my diet.
Has anyone got any tips , medication suggestions etc..etc.. I am desperate to get help as worried about the long term damange. Is anyone going through the same ???
Cheers Pete UK
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carolj11 petekd67
jay40m petekd67
I have had a sore throat/ lump/ mucous/ etc since Feb of 2014. Im still going for tests.
I have been on ppis for 3 months with no improvement whatsoever.
This all started for me also after a round of antibiotics. Theres no way of ever knowing for sure but I believe that was the reason im going through this. The bacteria in my stomach got disrupted and something changed to cause this reflux.
Ive had 2 barium swallows and they both came back normal. Ive had some scopes done with slight inflammation but nothing too bad except the ENT said I had a ton of mucous in the back of my throat.
Please update us on your progress as we are all in this together.
arny60453 petekd67
So not sure how your situation is, but mine was pretty much identical. October 2, 2 years ago, had a really bad lung infection and cough.
After delaying the doc, in jan i got antibiotics. by march it was fully gone. about April i had already put on stomach fat on my body from not being active and eating bad for all those months.
The day that triggered my LPR was i bent down, and acid came up from my stomach and into my throat. after that i always had some form of post nasal drip and all the symptoms of LPR (cough, clearing throat, drip, etc etc).
I did nothing about it for over 1 year. I finally saw a doc 3 months a year after that first LPR trigger point, and he gave me lanz. (heart burn meds. 20mg). so after that he basically told me if i don't change my lifestyle and lose the stomach fat i will eventually get throat cancer or other problems or be dependent on medications which was not an option for me. (i have a decent build, but males in general have visc fat - fat that surrounds organs not just outside belly fat.) so you can look fairly skinny but u have all the health problems a real huge fat guy has.
So.. after 5 months of being on the meds and then eventually only taking 1 pill a week. ive lost all my weight. im over 6'2 and was 235lbs and around 30-40% body fat. now im back down to 195 with 7-9% body fat. All my symptoms have dwindled away, the post nasal drip taking the longest (4 months after weight loss). I no longer eat bread, rice and i stopped all coffee and rarely eat sugar of any form other than fruits in morning. I no longer take meds either.
its a complete life style change, but after working out 6 days a week and eating healthy for the first month, i don't even crave garbage foods after that point.
end of the day the only reason people have this problem is because they allowed themselves to get to a point where it triggered. Change your lifestyle, get better, or expect to die early. I'm a lazy guy, so if i can do it, whats your excuse..
fast food, chips (crisps), cookies, chocolate bars and soda was a killer to drop the first 2 weeks. but after that, i don't even remember what its like to eat those foods nor do i care anymore at the sight or smell of them. I am back to eating spicy foods and all the foods i used to read about avoiding on the LPR forums.. im eating them all again with no problems!. just avoid sugar and try to cut most bread and rice until your fit.
(as for eating certain foods or drinking certain liquids or meds or herbs, throw all those ideas in the trash and just get healthy. WORK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DRINK WATER!!! and drop carbs and sugars. you will lose the weight and after 6 months you will be feeling amazing.) im proof of the remedy not just a stupid suggestion..
Only other thing i can think of, is a person may have waiting too long to remedy themselves and have permanent damage. but i basically waited 2-2.5 years after the initial trigger.. so you have to really be either more dumb than me to wait to fix the problem, or you didn't have a doctor that told it how it really was. “your fat, fix it”. AND YES I DID HAVE LPR not something less sever, trust me, it was awful and I had every symptom.
Hope this update helps someone. Good Luck!
jean37918 petekd67
Hi Pete, I have only just seen your comments regarding silent reflux, I started the exact way you did I.e. Cold infection 16 month ago. My symptoms are identical to yours, in fact it's what I would have written myself. Been to Hospital and been on Lanzaparole and Pepsi medicine fora month but no satisfaction. I am desperate. Have you got any ideas? Pleeeez ..jean
charliepaterson petekd67
Pete I have same as you - had a chest infection - took antibiotics in June 2017 - since July 2017 I’ve had a need to clear off and on . It’s now Dec 2017.... ppis don’t work H2 blockers don’t work - adjusted diet don’t make any difference - I’ve got no apparent triggers — im trying pro biotics - Manuka homey - Apple cider vinegar —-I’m frustrated .. did you find a cure ..?
judy72076 petekd67
I have same symptoms. I also have regular acid reflux. Plus a serious lung disease IPF. They seem to feel they are related. I have found taking Apple cider vinegar three times daily diluted before meals. DGL plus. And a probiotic has helped. PPI medication is dreadful. Had bone fractures and they simply did not help". I hope that helps. Do you have lung issues?
mo04226 judy72076