My stomach has been bothering me for about a year now. What should I do?

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I have had stool samples, urine samples, blood work, and breath tests. They can't find anything wrong with me. I can't eat certain foods or I'm lying on the couch in too much pain to really move. I'm a teenager and my parents don't think too much about it but I know there is something wrong with me. Please give me some advice. I'll really appreciate it. Thanks!

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Can you please elaborate what kind of foods you are unable to eat.

    And yes, it is really hard for us when our parents think "it's just a stomach bug everything will become fine on its own".

    • Posted

      I can't eat cucumbers, macaroni, cheese balls, and really and sort of junk food.

  • Posted

    Have you asked your doctor about IBS which can cause the symptoms you are having?  Do you have any change of bowel habit?
  • Posted

    Some one also gave a note that it could be IBS. I also feel the same. you may see its symtoms on web site. Though it is a benign problem yet uncomfortable.
  • Posted

    Which part of the stomach is bothering you? And where is the pain? 
    • Posted

      Around my belly button at first and then all over. When I walk, if I can, I have to double over but it still hurts
  • Posted

    can i prescribe you some medicines ??
    • Posted

      Are you a doctor? If you are somewhere around there or working in medical fields then go right ahead and prescribe me some medicine.

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