My stomach issue!

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So I was due on my period Friday this hasn't yet happened. I am not sexually active, so cannot be pregnant Friday night for about 2 and half hours I had on and off diarrhoea, I then went to bed then about every hour and a half I would wake up with horrendous stomach cramps this continued for about 14 hours in total. Also on the Saturday I had no energy and had a massive headache but slept most of the day. Then today (Sunday) I woke up feeling great I told work I'd be in tonight, I've eaten maybe a third of my evening meal and my stomach has swollen up like a ballon and is very painful and I now feel sick. Does anyone have any ideas??

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4 Replies

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    Not everyone has the same menstrual cycle.  I can never be exactly sure when mine will turn up. I only can roughly guess the date.  I have no idea what day it will appear.  It follows a pattern for a while and then it can suddenly change.  I don't worry about it being late, as long as it comes.  Anxiety can affect it and cause it to be late or not come at all, so don't worry about it.  

    The stomach problems you are having may be IBS.  However, I would go to your doctor for an official diagnosis.  The doctor may recognise your symptoms without tests.  However, if they don't know, they may refer you for an ultrasound, CT, colonoscopy,, endoscopy, stool tests, and celiac testing to rule out other causes.  If it is IBS, all your tests will show nothing.  If they don't offer these tests, insist on them for reassurance.

    I have IBS and have stomach pain, constipation and sometimes loose stools with nausea. 


  • Posted

    It sounds like an Ovarian Cyst. Are you on birth control and if so have you been tired and nauseous? A hormone drop could have caused it. My period was a week late until the cyst ruptured and week old black blood finally could get out.

    The late period makes me think Ovarian Cyst. The symptoms of it range, but it usually feels like you've been stabbed, kicked and are having your organs squeezed in your gut. Low appetite and headaches are sometimes a part of it. Like extreme cramps. It could have ruptured or grown to push against your intestines/bladder. I would visit with a primary doc or OBGYN and get a pap-smear and/or ultrasound.

    • Posted

      Hi no I'm not on birth control, yeah I felt exhausted Friday and Saturday not so tired today, I've also been feeling sick but haven't actually been sick. Thankyou

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