My thoughts are killing me

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Ladies just of recent i have been with chest wall pain , tingling on arms an legs sometimes face and my mind is negative and emotional. My acid is up an anxiety is killing. Did blood work ecg stress test an all is normal hwever d dr told me am NIT MENOPAUSAL OR PERI.

Am i going crazy or just close to suicidal. My chest wall hurts an d left side is worrying me to d extreme. I have no patience an energy .

Any info or related stories cam help . But can i have symptoms an not be menopausal or peri???

Tanks ladies

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy, how does the Dr know you’re not menopausel or peri? Did they do an FSH test? My FSH levels were high, that combined with my periods becoming irregular and other symptoms like hot flushes lead them to conclude I was at the start of menopause. Have you have bloods taken and tested for B12 and other vitamin deficiencies?
    • Posted

      Hi claire i did the FSH test an thats hw she determined not menopausal but i hav all d symptoms
  • Posted

    Hi wendy

    Please do not go by blood tests!!!!

    My doctor was telling me for 7 years i was not in peri menopause!!!!

    Fast foward to now 10 years later.

    Bloods confirmed menopause ovaries have totally shut down.

    I havent had a period in 18 months.

    I went through hell in peri and it hasnt settled as yet.

    Im still hoping and praying it does.

    Im not on any HRT ir meds.

    My doc has reccomended HRT but i dont want to go down that route but have been orescribed a low dose cytalapram which is an anti depressant as my anxiety is out of cintrol.

    I still havent made up my mind to take it yet.

    So just to put your mind at ease peri doesnt show up in bloods but go by your symptoms.

    Im 51 in september.

    Its been a long long journey x

  • Edited

    Hi Wendy,  I am 41, started with really bad symptoms last year after stopping 20 years of oral BCP use.  THAT along with 4 high FSH tests and low estrogen, progesterone...showing post menopause and erratic ovaries are failing. Hundreds of books written on the subject.  Some doctors do not believe in perimenopause.  “None so blind as those who will not see”.  😉

    • Posted

      Hi lou

      Totally agree.

      I was labelled with depression anxiety hypochondria!!!

      For 7 years.

      I knew it was peri by researching and believe it or not led me to this site and threads 10 years ago.

      Ive been helped so much by the ladies on this threads and im now post meno!!

      So another journey ahead x

    • Posted

      Me too!  I have a special needs child and I was told stressand anxiety...which I agree with to a certain degree.  What I don’t agree with is that it comes on one day and completely turns your life upside down...especially if you have never had a panic attack etc in your life. They say different lingo now... “health anxiety” instead of hypochondria.  Too bad they cannot be more informed about the issue instead of new wording.  If my husband walked in and told the doctor all these symptoms...they would tell him low testosterone...they woukd never say health anxiety.  I’m on an AD temporarily until I can get this all straightened out.  I am very well informed now, so I am not hearing any BS from my new dr.!
    • Posted

      Hi lou

      If u dont mind me asking what AD are you on?

      Ive been given 10mg cytalapram.

      Still not taken it yet x

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, 10 mg generic Lexapro.  Went up slowly from 5 mg.  On 3 months total.  Jury is still out...sometimes I feel like it’s helping, other days not so much. Definitely not crying over everything anymore though.  Actually, not sure if I can cry! 😩

    • Posted

      Hi lou

      Bless you. Im post meno know and im still struggling.

      Still hoping its gonna get easier.

      I had 10 year peri hell i deserve a break x

  • Posted

    Wendy - this is how some of my toughest months began. I had tingling in arms and legs - maybe a foot, acid in stomach, heartburn, joint aches, adrenaline like rushes (extreme hot flashes I call them now) etc; the list goes on and on. I had all the tests done as well; ekg, ct stan, blood work, B12, VItamin D, thyroid etc etc.  I don't know how many times I've been to the doctor until I started my research and talked with my mom.

    I don't know if the anxiety and depression started for the first time in my life at 49 BECAUSE all of this was happening physically; OR that the anxiety and depression CAME with the physical. I don't know.

    What I do know is it was awful. Scary. Can I say that again? It was scary. Unsettling. I was constantly saying "what is happening to me?". This has been the hardest thing that I have personally experienced. I was blindsided and had no idea what the affect of dropping hormones could have on the 20-30% of us. 

    This forum was the greatest gift to me when I joined just a month ago!!!!!! I have been here for hours and hours on end reading old posts and taking notes on what the women have used and implemented. 

    I am 49. I don't NEED a doctor to tell me what is happening to me - unless the MENO is their specialty, they don't have a clue about it and I'm not expecting them to. There are so many websites and videos online that describe every single thing we are going through during peri.

    My FSH was 9; so I'm not near Meno. BUT....I had my saliva test done on my own; ordered it online and mailed it in. My progesterone was at the bottom - the bottom. So for me; all of my symptoms were a progesterone deficiency and my body reacted profoundly. I bought a non-prescription natural progesterone cream online and I am experiencing marked improvements. Like any new supplement - Maca, cohosh, a b vitamin, etc - there are usually side effects; I am pushing through those for now.

    Symptoms for me are cyclical:

    My tingling happens monthly and lasts off and on around 4 - 7 days (when my estrogen should be rising).

    My congestion, ear ache, clogged ears happen for about 5 days once a month - (I think this is also the estrogen drop - so I may incorporate estrogen during this week). 

    My heartburn is the same way - lasts about a week and then goes away and returns around same time each month.

    My sadness and anxiety have been gone for the last 8 days - this feels like a miracle to me. I'm not naive to think I won't see that again - I am tracking all of my physical and emotional symptoms to see what hormone is dropping when I experience it. 

    Take care and you are not alone! This group is a wonderful resource of wisdom and comfort.

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