My thumb scan is throbbing, serious health anxiety please help because I am panicking

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The other day whilst I was lifting a television I somehow scraped my thumb on the front. Will include a pic. This was about 52 hours ago approx. Within two minutes of scraping my thumb I washed it with cold water, waited for the bleeding to stop then applied Savlon and 5 minutes later a plaster. It has been stinging for two days more or less, kind of an urge to itch it. About an hour ago I noticed a throbbing sensation in my thumb and I can't really feel it now however if I start thinking about it I can still feel it. I am a nervous wreck and really scared. I always have an urge to click my fingers not sure if the throbbing emanated from there: it doesn't hurt, only a tiny tiny amount however I can feel the scrape. No pus & redness spreading. Here is a pic. Is throbbing normal during healing process???

I know it might sound pathetic but I have serious health anxiety and this month at least four times believed I had sepsis from other insignificant cuts. Is a mild throbbing sensation normal as part of the healing process that has subsided partially?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mathew I would think a bit of throbbing is probably quite normal after a cut, so long as it's clean and not swollen up and burning and very inflamed, have you had a recent tetanus well within the last ten years

    Please don't worry as it's sounding ok

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying as I am really worrying. No it isn't burning just throbbing a small amount, I cut it two days ago. Does the photo look normal?

    • Posted

      That's ok then as only 4 years at most, your picture links are not working so I can't see them and can't cut and paste sorry

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