My two daughters 4yrs and 2yrs have been diagonsed with ...
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My two daughters 4yrs and 2yrs have been diagonsed with Molluscum its not dangerous but is highly contagious my 4yr old has them on her side and they have spread to her stomach, bottom and face, my two year old has them on her belly,back, genitals and face and my baby 5mths is showing signs of lesions on his legs.My children have been sick on and off with colds and flu so im guessing there immune system is low at the moment and they have swimming lessons in a heated communal pool we have been advised not to take the children swimming till the lumps go away. I have tried a few different things some very painful like deep pricking removing core and applying betadine it hasnt helped so i have checked out a few websites and Im going to try out ZymaDerm and wheatgrass recovery cream and spray Ill let you know how I get on
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Have you used it yet?? the reasults sound amazing!:?
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You experiences with this product would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks
Dougie Leckie
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Thank you
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