My Urolift Recovery Experience

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My Urolift Experience: In hopes of giving others an idea of what to expect: Good info from previous posters – Thanks!

11/13/18 - By way of background: I’m 63 years old; better than average shape for my age. Have had a slow stream for decades, and got up an average of 4-5 times a night for the past decade as well. I couldn’t hold more than ½ cup of urine in my bladder without intense need to go.Had procedure done at about 9:30 this morning. It’s now 6:45 pm. Had a local anaesthetic (like everyone), and opted for Nitrous Oxide (thankfully). Wasn’t too fun during the procedure, with moments of medium pain (I know, hard to gauge the seriousness of pain!). I’m usually fairly tolerant of pain. I figure I had worse than average symptoms, so didn’t see much choice but to have it done. Generally, I’d say the literature underestimates the amount of discomfort (to put it mildly); at least in my case. My doctor has done somewhere around 50 of these procedures; he’s pretty young, though (30?).

It’s now 6:45 pm, first day: After the procedure, Dr. said I could use the bathroom; but I couldn’t get a drop out, despite extreme urge. Stayed in the waiting room, and tried to go for the next hour or so … no luck, except for about a half teaspoon of bloody urine after about 5 trips. Decided to go home and try to relax. At home, I was able to pee about a tablespoon twice, but it wasn’t getting any easier. Pain was slight burning, but severe urge to pee that couldn’t be satisfied; and it hurt. When I tried to pee, I got a wave of pain (not stinging; just felt five times worse than if I’d had way too much beer) that required me to grab tight to a door frame. Pain lasted about 20 seconds. I told myself I’d wait until 3pm before returning to the office to get catheterized, hoping situation would get slowly better; but it didn’t appear to be going well … so … at 2pm, off I went, got catheterized, with much relief (but still a lot of discomfort). Now that I’m catheterized, I still have a very strong and uncomfortable urge to pee at all times. Also, even though the catheter is in place, I still seem to have to stand up in order to pee into the bag, and the pain is pretty high while I void (still about a tablespoon at a time). I have noticed that it’s getting ever so slightly better, though, with each episode (about every 15 minutes at this point). I just grab onto the doorframe, and grin and bear it. Have to go again urgently a minute after each pee session.Tomorrow morning I’m supposed to pull the catheter out. Man! Am I looking forward to that! (Being facetious here!).

A couple of tips so far: Dr. told be to take 3-200mg Ibuprofens (motrin) every six hours (600 every 6 hrs memory device). I wouldn’t go Against your Dr’s orders, though. Can’t imagine how uncomfortable I’b be without, as Ibuprofen is pretty effective for me. Also, get a good book to help get your mind off of it! I’m gonna try the TV after a while to pass the time (since I can’t easily pass the urine!).

Please note: Don’t want to scare anyone off of getting the procedure done; I’m sure the pain will be more than offset by the relief in a few days or so! Just know what you’re up against, and Man Up! In the lead-up to getting the procedure, I was led to believe that I’d be able to get back to a home improvement project the same day, and be back to mountain bike riding as soon as I wanted! Unh-Uh!

Will report tomorrow with more ...

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  • Posted

    "Do everything possible to change diet, research natty supplements. Many men have reversed BPH symptoms this way. often times BAD SYMPTOMS.. This is A FACT."

    Do you have any proof of that fact ?

    • Posted

      Yes, tons of it. Do your own research.. Here is one example - "Studies have suggested three major contributors to LUTS/BPH: nitric oxide deficiency, autonomic hypertonicity, and pelvic atherosclerosis. Among other things, these entities result in pelvic ischemia and chronic hypoxia of the bladder and prostate, which has been associated with LUTS/BPH.3-6 Sharing a similar pathway with phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors, testosterone has been shown to alleviate this hypoxia by modulating cGMP-mediated nitric oxide production.7-10"

      PAE is not the answer. The answer is to increase blood flow to the pelvic region via increasing nitric oxide AND HEAL the prostate. Go to Amazon and look up a product called "CocoaVia" (Natural Arginase Inhibitor, see Also, this is why Cialis (Tadalafil PDE-5 inhibitor) works for BPH. Must reverse hypoxia in our pelvic regions.

      FDA wrongly warns that Testosterone replacement therapy increases prostate size and issues. If you accept their conclusion, then you must also accept that older men produce more testosterone << that's nonsense as we get older, we produce less testosterone, yet our prostates grow faster and bigger.. Why? It's because DHT is more readily available when we make less Testosterone. Most are looking at BPH the wrong way.

      Search for any and all food and supplements that increases N02

    • Posted

      Yes, tons of it. Do your own research.. Here is one example - "Studies have suggested three major contributors to LUTS/BPH: nitric oxide deficiency, autonomic hypertonicity, and pelvic atherosclerosis. Among other things, these entities result in pelvic ischemia and chronic hypoxia of the bladder and prostate, which has been associated with LUTS/BPH.3-6 Sharing a similar pathway with phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors, testosterone has been shown to alleviate this hypoxia by modulating cGMP-mediated nitric oxide production.7-10"

      PAE is not the answer. The answer is to increase blood flow to the pelvic region via increasing nitric oxide AND HEAL the prostate. Go to Amazon and look up a product called "CocoaVia" (Natural Arginase Inhibitor, link added to other post in moderation) Also, this is why Cialis (Tadalafil PDE-5 inhibitor) works for BPH. Must reverse hypoxia in our pelvic regions.

      Additionally, FDA wrongly warns that Testosterone replacement therapy increases prostate size and issues. If you accept their conclusion, then you must also accept that older men produce more testosterone << that's nonsense as we get older, we produce less testosterone, yet our prostates grow faster and bigger.. Why? It's because DHT is more readily available when we make less Testosterone. Most are looking at BPH the wrong way.

      Search for any and all food and supplements that increases N02

    • Posted

      Also, stay away from foods that cause inflammation .. Red Meats, and any meat that is hormonally treated.

      Supplements - Cocoavia, 3 tabs a day. 500 to 1000 MG green tea supplement. 500 to 1000 MG Cranberry supplement. Try that with A Blockers and see how well it works.

    • Posted

      Lvscott: Thanks for all the info, I am rather new to this forum. I have

      read some books recently on the the importance of diet changes and have made several major ones since May 2018. How long have you been on these listed supplements and what was your status prior to making changes?

    • Posted

      Short time on the cocoa, just now ramping that up. Green tea, back on that full time for last week, was on it for a month prior. On Cranberry for months - helps stop UTI's in terms of bacteria sticking, but won't cure a UTI though.

      I recently ordered a ton of cocoavia, and will report back after taking consistently at least 3 caps a day for 3 months. I may use Tadalafil again, if response it good - I have a year's supply of it for dirt cheap but not currently taking as I'm on an A-Blocker..

      Cranberry supplement has helped. Saw Palmetto does nothing for me and the other 'standard' stuff does nothing for me. Recently had full blood test, waiting on those results as I suspect my hormones are way out of whack.

    • Posted

      To Lvscott:

      Thanks and looking forward to future reports. Will look into your advise. Ever heard of Ronald M. Bazar, ? " The Prostate Health Diet" book. Bought on Amazon. Lots of diet changes of which I have made quite a lot of his suggestions. Also read a book by "Ben Ong" same topic and similar diet change suggestions. They make a point the our lovely food producing industry did us in starting 40-50 years ago for the ole mighty dollar !! I am currently taking "Prosta Genix" .

      I can list the ingredients if interested. No results so far that I can tell...on it for about 45 days so far.

  • Posted

    Continuation – 12/12/18 – It’s now just over 5 weeks, and happy to report my condition has improved, though perhaps not as much as I would have wished for. The burning while peeing disappeared at about week three. Coming up to five weeks now, and still getting up 4 to 5 times per night; but my doc had said it could take up to six months for that to improve. I’m peeing mostly about 100 ml per, but occasionally 200 ml, which is an improvement. Also, most welcome, I no longer stop/start, and pee in a very thin stream/dribble. I now pee right away, instead of standing there wanting to pee for about 15 seconds, like I used to. Now its a small stream, but certainly not a gusher (as I had hoped for). The urgency problem hasn’t gone away, so I’ve got to be ready when the call comes. I probably pee every hour (at least) during the day. Hopefully this will improve in coming months. Disappointed that the doc’s office hasn’t bothered to call me to inquire about my progress; seems like that should be standard procedure; and especially since I had lots of difficulties.

  • Posted

    Wanted to add my experience so far from day zero to day 10 after having 6 clips installed.

    I read a lot of people saying the procedure was almost painless or slightly painful. My co-worker had four clips installed and he said it hurt, but was "not that bad". Everyone IS DIFFERENT. I knew that, so I decided to go for it.

    The BAD:

    I had the Urethra numbing lidocaine, the up the butt shots directly to my prostate and nitrous. Even with all that this was the worst pain I've ever had. I was groaning in extreme least a 9 out of 10 on the scale...10 wanting to die. It felt like he was sticking a stiff metal rod down my urethra and going side to side scraping my pelvic bone (which isn't far from the truth). I was in so much pain I'm not certain how long the procedure, from insertion to being done, was. I think about 20 minutes. My prostate was only 54 (I think they don't do urolift after 80?). But I was very closed off inside and the doc said he had to push harder to get through than my prostate size would indicate. THAT might have been why it hurt so bad. I could barely took me about two minutes to just get started so I think he was telling the truth about the inside of the prostate being a lot worse than it appeared from the outside.

    After that nightmare was over the doc said that due to the difficulty of insertion I might have more swelling than usual so he recommended a catheter...which I had never had before. From the moment the catheter went in I felt horrible. I'm not sure if it was psychological or physical or both, but I felt horrible. I went home about an hour after the cath was put in. After trying to move about for a couple of hours I got very light headed and nauseous. I laid on the floor with a trash can in case I puked. This lasted about 5 minutes, then it got better and went away. I called the doc. He said I was probably having a delayed "shock" from the procedure. He was probably right as it didn't come back over the next couple of hours. But I felt I had to constantly pee, like others said here, even though almost nothing came out. Again, I just felt horrible. It's hard to describe. It might have just been the combo of having the procedure and the cath, both firsts for me. But I was miserable. I finally went back to the doc about 6 hrs after the procedure as I didn't think I was passing enough urine. After he spoke to me he decided to see if I could get by without the cath. He said if I could pass urine we could probably risk leaving it out. He pumped 250 cc's of saline, or whatever, into my bladder then removed it. He then asked me to try to pee it out and left for about 10 minutes. I peed out 235 cc within 3 minutes. He came back in and said he thought we should be good to go.

    At this point I got some kind of euphoric rush. Was it physical? Psychological?--from having the cath out? I don't know, but I felt almost high I was so releived. That feeling lasted like three hours, lol. I went home.

    The Not So BAD to Good:

    For the rest of the day I was peeing like every 15-20 min...or feeling like I needed to pee. Very little came out, but like others here said, it felt like I had 10 gallons in there. When I peed it felt like a horrible UTI (felt like p*****g razor blades) and I had severe bladder spasms. They hurt so bad that I had to grip the walls and groaned to keep from crying/yelling. Very bad pain, maybe 7.5/10, so not as bad as the procedure so I could deal with it. My pee was pretty bright red (expected) so I wasn't freaked out about it. This continued throughout the day. That night I knew I could not sleep so I didn't try. I would fall asleep involuntarily for 15-20 minutes at a time every 2 hours or so. I kept waking up having to "pee", which I didn't get much out of me. But I was trying to drink as much water as I reasonably could so that I could get things working again. But after while I eased off some, as some said here, because it hurt so bad to pee...mostly the bladder spasms...the urethra burning was bad, but not nearly as bad as the spasms.

    Day 2:

    The blood eased up quite a bit. The urethra burning started getting better throughout the day. My peeing was still about every 20 minutes. Waking up about every two hours to pee.

    Day 3:

    Blood almost gone. Some tiny clots here and there. The urethra pain was almost totally gone, but the spasms were still there. They had improved a little, maybe about 75% as bad as day 1. Got up twice to pee during the night.

    Day 4:

    Peeing during the day about every hour, so a good improvement. I have to get up once a night to pee. No blood, just a tiny random clot. Spasms down to about 50% of original pain.

    Days 5-9

    Continual improvement. By day 7 bladder spasms had stopped completely. Some small pain between my scrotum and at the base of my penis. Probably residual soreness from the procedure. I didn't notice it before as the bladder spasms overwhelmed that small pain probably.

    Day 10:

    Peeing one time at night. Probably because I drink water quite a bit and should stop a couple of hours before bed. Still minor pain between my legs. Very minor. I was concerned it might be a clip that came loose but the doc said the clips were a few inches inside me and I would not be in pain down that far. He said it was probably residual pain from the uro tool and catheter. He said it should be gone totally in a few days and if it wasn't to call him and he could check me out.

    Overall condition at this time, day 10:

    I don't have to get my bladder full to pee. Urgency has gone down. During the day I pee about every 2-3 hours, but again I drink a lot of water. I forgot to mention before the procedure I had leakage problems when I sneezed or strained lifting something. That seems to be gone. I have had no leakage problems so far. I still don't pee a lot at a time. It seems I fill up about 20-30% of capacity (my estimate from the amount that comes out), then I get the urge. The flow is not a "fire hose"----yet. Maybe it will be after another week or three. I don't know. But honestly if I had no further improvement I would still be pretty happy.

    So bottom line-------if you have the procedure will it be horribly painful like mine was? We don't know. It seems everyone is different and I didn't know how I would feel until I was going through it. BUT for ME...If I ever need more clips put in I WILL get some harder core anesthesia. But besides the very painful procedure I'm VERY happy with the results. Even at day 10!

    • Posted


      You will get better with time

      I had mine almost 4 years ago. I had a general was out the whole time. The worst feeling was the bladder spasms

      But it get better.

      No heavy lifting Just relax....Ken

    • Posted

      Hi Mikey,

      Thanks for taking the time and trouble to share your experience.

      I am currently waiting for the procedure so it is good to hear a more positive account. I am having a general anaesthetic in a hospital.

      It will be my second attempt as when I went for it in August I went into retention whilst in the waiting area and had to be sent home with a catheter, which, like you, I hated. I was stuck with it for three weeks.

      I hope and trust that you will continue to improve.

      Take care.


    • Posted

      I am set up for the Uriolif in February 2019. I changed the date from January cause I am involved in the Super Bowl in Atlanta. I am very concerned about not being put out for the surgery....... My Urio Doctor doses his surgery in the afternoon. I am scheduled for 3pm. I am very worried that if I have it done so late in the afternoon, if I have a problem I will have to go to the er....... I'm still on the fence about this procedure as I had the resum and it didn't work and I had to be put under to have this done....

      I'm really upset and not sure what to do.............. Thanks and glad you are better!

    • Posted

      Good Morning John

      That is very good advice:

      I had mine Urolift done under a general. You should be able to find a doctor that will do that for you.

      That block does not do it for everyone..

      Take care Ken

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