My uterus feels swollen during perimenopause

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does anyone else suffer with swelling of bladder and uterus during the awful perimenopause. I feel so low just feel like I must be dying

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Terrie,

    Sometimes my stomach looks like I'm at least 7 months pregnant. I'll be like, wow, am I really this fat? But then sometimes it doesn't look so bad. I'm not sure why it bloats so much, but it does. However, when I was going thru the worse of this I lost 30 pounds and my stomach was pretty flat, sooo, maybe it is a little fat?

    I know exactly what you describe about feeling like you are dying. In fact I was so bad I went to spend time with my family in my home state because I thought I wouldn't have long for this earth. That was two summers ago and I'm still chugging along. Having some better days too, where I'm just starting to feel a little bit of normalcy, not much, but some. Still getting the rogue period from time to time, never know when it's coming, still have some pretty rough days, but less of them. Thankful for the better days/moments/minutes, I'll take whatever I can get.

    Hang in there! XO

    • Posted

      hi Suzanne thank you for your reply. I'm just so worked up at the moment keep thinking it's something more sinister had blood tests just waiting for results. this perimenopause is really taking its toll I've never felt so low .

    • Posted

      I predict your tests will be normal.

      And I know, it's hard to believe that we can feel so rotten and be "normal". So frustrating.

      When my doctor came in smiling and declaring "you're perfectly healthy", I wanted to punch his stupid face.

      I still would like to punch him two and a half years later. I don't go to him anymore.

      Hang in there girl. Things will get better, I promise.

  • Posted

    Dear Terrie

    I'm so sorry that you feel this awful - but you are not alone!

    I have developed health anxiety and I struggle with a variety of symptoms every day - including a sore bladder. I am seeing a therapist and she has helped me with my anxiety. I no longer believe I am terminally ill when a new symptom comes along, but it is still terrifying and a vicious cycle...

    I really hope you find a way to cope with this awful peri - hang on and believe in an awesome postmeno 😃

    • Troldepus

  • Posted

    Terrie, I feel the same. There are times when I sneeze or cough to hard, and will actually pee on myself. I have had at one point and still have most of the symptoms of peri. There are days that I don't know if I am going to make it through the day or not. My bladder and uterus feel so bad and swollen at times that I don't even want to think about sex with my husband. I feel so bloated that I look like I am pregnant at times. I just contribute everything I am going through to my peri. I do actually have some good days now and then. I hope you start feeling better soon. In fact, I hope we all start feeling better. Hugs and brighter days ahead for you.

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