My UTI still not cured after 3 days antibiotic

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Hello everyone. I feel the pain just left and right part of my belly button. I search the internet what part is there and it seems like its ureter in there. I feel sharp pain but not always only sometimes. My urine is clear white because i drink water a lot. I only have low amount yellow urine in the morning because there is not enough water in my body. It smell fine. No smelly odor or foamy texture. At firat week i feel slight pain in my bladder area. So i decided to go to check up. Thats actually 1 week of my uti. They said i have moderate bacteria i saw it my result. So i take cifro for 3 days after i still feel some pain in my plank right and left belly button area 2 inch far from my belly button. My urine is still not smelly and clear yellow. I pee moderate amount when im full. I just dont know why i feel pain in there my bladder is fine now 


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Its 1 week and half now im taking green tea with honey and water. I hope there it will cure soon. Any suggestion ?
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    Im male 28 years old. My i only remember i had sex with my wife but didnt wash and after that 1 or 2 days i feel a sharp pain my right part of my abdomen
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    You seem to be doing all you can to deal with the problem. Hopefully, things will improve soon.
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    I had similar - No smell at all, but the urine was dark and sometimes bloody and a LOT of pain constantly even just walking about. After 3 days infection was still there, and started to get worse. I did a urine sample and I was resistant to the first antibiotic (I was on trimethoprim) so maybe speak to your GP and do a urine sample. And keep drinking water. I cut out all teas, coffee and juices. Just plain cold or hot water, and restricted sugar/salt in diet. hot water bottle really helps a lot too.
  • Posted

    Go to your doctor and get this checked out properly.  Dr google can't examine you or tell you anything about what is going on inside you.  You need to have a proper check on a urine sample - the dipstick test will often show bacterial activity but you need to have a culture made so that the correct antibiotic can be prescribed for you. 

    Cipro is a very strong antibiotic that will kill everything and should never be used for a 'moderate' infection.  The FDA announced in July 2016 that it should only be kept for the most serious (life or death) infections unless someone has an allergy to a safer antibiotic. Please look at the discussions on Cipro (fluoroquinolone toxcity) on these pages.

    Keep drinking plenty of water - and see your doctor and have a culture made from your urine sample.

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