My way of dealing with menopause
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I know that this will not be the way for everyone! I am post menopausal, on hrt, fem7. I was totally p***** off with feeling like s*** so I thought to myself, f it!!! I am going to carry on as normal as I can. Don't get me wrong, I was having a really crap time of it, anxiety out of control, disassociation was my main problems but I gave myself a shake & f it!!! I took a month off work, I was a mess but now I say to myself, we are strong, we can get through this crap!! Don't get me wrong, I am not totally myself but I am pushing through, I am trying not to dwell on the fact that I am in menopause at my age, 47. I work with women who are older than me who are not in menopause, but I think to myself, it's coming!!! Hopefully I will be through it soon. Sending hugs to all u ladies! X
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Guest victoria86074
thanks Victoria! I am sooo happy your treatment is helping you. I am 41...heading into this mess on the early side too. Still having periods...erradic and missing them. Tried going back on birth control pills to help my symptoms...3 weeks in yesterday and obgyn told to stop. Making my migraines worse. Have to stop for 2 weeks and check back in with her. Feeling so fed up and disappointed.
susane84679 victoria86074
Hi Victoria!, This is how I deal also, this crap had me down for so long and one morning I woke up and said to myself, enough is enough, this is not going to take away any more of my life then it already is! I got up and have been going ever since. I still have bad days but like you, I push through. I think the more you dwell on the symptoms and give into them the worse they are. NO MORE! I am in control of my life, not this peri hell! much hugs to all!
Sassyr12a victoria86074
Hi Victoria
I did exactly the same. I'm 43 and on bhrt since March. I took time off work and decided that I could just give in and lie down, or keep it moving. I lost 3 stone, starting running, cycling, meditating and whilst I'm not sure whether I'm myself or not, I'm stronger for it. Don't fight it, it doesn't listen to reason, but it's important to accept it for what it is and help yourself as much as you can. It's a flipping nightmare, but survivable ♥ xxx
Clare1971 Sassyr12a
your so right , except it thats what i have had to do as i was going off my head with worry , i now talk myself down from my health anxiety and force myself to go out
Great responses ladies! Let's all push through this crap! We can do this!!! Love to u all xxx
Claire4474 victoria86074
Good for you Victoria! That is what I'm trying to do too. My anxiety was through the roof before but I try to stop dwelling on how crap I feel and just get on with it. I took up running, did the couch to 5k and now regularly run every week three times at least. I might feel like sh!t sometimes and feel like I can't do it, and honestly sometimes I can't run as fast or as far as I'd like, but I find that exercising really does help me. If I sit around all week I just feel even worse so i force myself to do it!
I'm waiting for results of ultra sound and all being well with that the Dr will then give me HRT. I'm feeling positive, this has to end at some point right.
I'm 44 and feel like I'm too young to be going through this, but its got to happen some time right. Hopefully when all my friends start going through it I'll be out the other side! 😃
Things can only get better xx
Marinab victoria86074
Thanks for your post. It sounds like you are taking charge and getting through the highs and lows.
I try to think of all of the things I have going for me; family, food, a warm house, a job, overall good health, medical resources to help deal with all of the hormonal cr**.. then it puts the anxiety and other issues in perspective.This must be some alternative psychology approach but it working for me:)
Great responses ladies!! Stay positive, do what makes you feel fab to lift your mood! Do whatever works for you. Menopause is a challenge for some of us. Once we are through it, we will be a lot stronger, braver & a hell of a lot more understanding. Stay strong ladies!! Love to u all xxxx