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I have been offered a myectomy to remove a large fibroid as opposed to a hysterectomy. They are just going to remove the large fibroid and leave the smaller ones. Has anyone had a similar experience and what are your opinions about this choice?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Why can't they just remove them all if they are able to remove the large one so later on you dont have to gone through this again.

    • Posted

      The large one is pressing on the womb and contributing to a prolapse. They feel that the others are not causing symptoms and as I'm past menopause they're unlikely to grow any more. I'm not sure about the safety of a myectomy

    • Posted

      Hi there

      I had a myectomy where the larger fibroid was removed the smaller remained. A couple of years later they grew back...


    • Posted

      Hi Todd

      Can I ask you how old you are. As I am 68 and well past menopause I've been told that as there is unlikely to be any blood supply to the fibroids they won't grow back. However that was one of my main concerns so I hope they're right!! What do you think re my age?

    • Posted

      Yes of course i should have said but it was late last night and wanted to respond before sleep. Im 58 but had op about 11ish years ago. I still have a few so i am now living with them....

      I am told they will shrink during post menapause.

      Good luck!

    • Posted

      I'm not sure if my last message was posted. Did u have any problems after the myectomy?

    • Posted

      Thank you. That's re-assuring. Hopefully st my age they won't grow back!

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