Mysterious lifelong pain while urinating
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I have to start this post by stating that it is in fact weird that I've been living with this pain for all my life
and that I don't see to problems immediately but I guess that's just the type of person I am. For context, I'm 21 years old.
The problem: Burning sensation while urinating, pain in my right testicle.
<b>Painful urination</b>
I've had this problem for as long as I can remember. The pain is there most of the time when urinating and sometimes it's
stronger sometimes it's weaker but sometimes(rarely) it stays even a after urinating and when that happens the pain is much stronger
and more annoying, to the point where it makes me feel sick. It lasts for up to 30 minutes or so? I've never measured how long but it
doesn't go away quickly. The feeling, other than the pain, is like there is more pee left to pee out, like it's stuck in the penis,
maybe that doesn't make sense but to me that's an accurate way to describe it probably because peeing itself is painful to me.
But there's usually nothing left to pee, or if I do manage to get a few more drops out it makes the pain worse.
If I had to put that pain (after urinating) on a scale of 1-10 I'd put it at an 8 at least, and the regular pain anywhere from 4 to 6.
<b>The first visit to a doctor</b>
The first time I went to a doctor was the beginning of last year. I told him about the pain both while urinating and in my testicle.
They took a blood sample twice and a urine sample, gave me an ultrasound of my kidneys, bladder and even my penis and testicles.
They found nothing wrong and the doctor ended it with saying I can't help you and told me that I can do a urethra swab and semen sample.
<b>The second visit to a doctor</b>
After that, in September I believe, I went to a private doctor (apparently the best in town), told him my story (but didn't tell him
about the testicle pain because at the time it was better and I wanted him to focus more on the urination problem I suppose. I did give
him the papers from the first doctor so maybe he read it on there, I'm not sure he didn't mention it.) and he himself looked at my urine
under the microscope (and maybe did something else with it, I'm not sure it didn't take long), did an ultrasound of only my bladder if I
remember correctly and just looked at my penis and examined my testicles.
He couldn't come up with something either and told me we can experiment with medicine which I agreed with and then he gave me Flexid(Levofloxacin ?)
500mg, and told me to drink Epilobium tea for 10 days. The pain did actually go away after a few days but then it came back(before I finished my dose).
The doctor didn't tell me not the mastrubate so I assumed it was fine and I did so after about 6 or 7 days? I don't know if that ruined the progress
from the medicine, it's just an idea.
Anyways I emailed the doctor after the dose to tell him that we didn't solve the problem and to ask him if we'll try Doxycycline next and he replied with
"not yet".
Now it's been more than 6 months so I assume my body has recovered from the antibiotic and I'm ready to try Doxycycline or something else but before contacting
the doctor again I wanted to get some more opinions from you guys.
<b>Pain in right testicle</b>
This pain I haven't had my whole life, it started maybe 2 years ago and it would come and go.
There's not much to say about this pain other than it that it hurts no matter if I touch it or not but also sometimes when I touch it. It feels a little like the
pain is coming from behind the testicle, it's hard to tell. And it often hurts if I touch the bottom of it.
Other than the pain the testicle has been sagging lower than usual these past 2 years and I feel like it's bigger than it use to be but take that as a grain of salt,
it's definitely sagging though and I would describe it as being too mobile, too free.
For example I sit a lot and often the testicle will be in a wrong position, either being way too low or at a completly wrong angle. Sometimes the pain gets strong and
I feel around it and realize it's at a very weird angle.
I didn't have an injury, I've never peed blood.
<b>My theory about the testicle</b>
I use to often find myself with my underwear too high and my pants too low making it uncomfortable for my testicles, but being in school or college I couldn't fix it
in the middle of the class so it just kind of stayed like that.
My theory is that the body itself didn't like the position of the testicle and decided to drop it further down but having done that now it's "too loose" and that causes
it to find itself in weird positions which cause the pain, or my way of sitting is causing that.
I don't know if too loose or too tight underwear can cause such a thing.
The worst possibility is that whatever is causing pain while urinating is also causing the testicle pain but then again maybe it can be cured together.
Also perhaps I'm mastrubating too much and caused an inflation, I do it almost every night I don't know if that's the issue.
Sometimes I go for 3 weeks or a month without mastrubating but that hasn't noticeably changed the pain I don't think.
I can try again and for longer if that's your recommendation.
<b>Important note: I've never had a sexual partner which is what makes this problem mysterious.</b>
I really really don't want the get a urethra swab, I saw a lab that offered a chlamydia test from urine, it's rather expensive but I'd do it if it's a smart thing to do.
I apologize for the long post but I hoped to give details to help you come to some sort of a conclusion.
I really would appreciate all ideas and opinions.
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hamza1995 Boxbox
Could be anything. Urethral stricture in the bulbar region/too much masturbation. Do you have to strain during urination? What is your post residual volume? Did your doctors rule out varicocele? Did you ever have urinary tract infection?
Boxbox hamza1995
"Spraying of urine or a double stream may occur."
I do have double stream. My urethra opening has always been kind of like a lip so the stream
comes out flat, not like out of a tube if that makes sense, I thought that was normal.
The doctor didn't mention varicocele and I'm not sure what you mean by post residual volume,
can you explain in layman's terms ?
I've never been diagnosed with a UTI but like I said I've always had pain while urinating.
I hope I don't have testicular torsion that seems quite bad, as far as I can see it makes your testicle go higher not lower like mine? And possibly shrink not become larger (like I think mine slightly is).
I've emailed my last doctor today to ask about the next step and doxycycline.
He told me to get a urethra swab and first urine in the morning sample and test for 7 STDs (he didn't say which ones) I suppose the most common ones but testing for most of them doesn't really make sense to me considering my symptoms.
Not really sure what to do.
hamza1995 Boxbox
Ultrasound scan of your prostrate, kidney, bladder and ureter. In this test, you are required to have bladder full of urine, so you are told to drink tons of water until you cannot hold your urine anymore. That is when you undergo the test and then, they tell you to go and pee. After you are done peeing, they check what your post residual volume is (how much pee is still left in your bladder).
All of your symptoms sound like stricture to me except for the testicle pain. I'm not sure what is causing it. You should probably stop masturbating for at least 3 months and see if there is any difference.
Boxbox hamza1995
I already did an ultrasound scan with a full bladder. I'll write to you now all the results the doctor wrote, maybe then you can rule out certain things. I translated it so some words are surely off, I apologize.
Succussion splash negative on both sides. Stomach soft, not painful.
Inguinal lymph node not enlarged, outer inguinal rings are free.
Testicles simmetrical, normally elastic, heads of epididymis normal.
Ductus palpable.
While standing and Valsalva maneuver varicocele not palpable.
Bladder symetrical, filled with 323ml urine, no pathological formations while filled.
On the right side there is residue/sediment/sludge or edema of mucosa 6.6mm.
(I think I remember him saying it was gone after I peed, and the first doctor I went to that also did an ultrasound didn't notice this.)
Prostate homogeneous, 19ml
Urine: spec. weight 1000, alb. neg., glucose neg., pH-7, Nitrite neg., Eri. neg., Leuko., neg.
Urine sediment: First spray: Quite a bit of residue, individual bacteria
Middle spray: little residue
And I'll try not to mastrubate for a while thank you.
hamza1995 Boxbox
Your PVR wasn't significant. So, you probably do not have any stricture. Do you force your glans too much when you masturbate? Also, you do not have any varicocele. So, all good from there. Prostrate normal in size compared to your age. Stop masturbating for a long time, and see if it helps.
Boxbox hamza1995
What's PVR short for?
Something that cancels out stricture is also the fact that while I was taking the antibiotic(Flexid) it relieved the pain for a few days but then the pain came back.
If I had stricture antibiotics wouldn't help that right? Unless it was placebo or the fact that I was drinking a lot of tea.
I will stop for a while yes.
Do you think checking for all those STDs is stupid then? Should I check for chlamydia at least, I feel like that's the most likely? I'm a little worried about doing an urethral swab since I may or may not have stricture.
bernipes Boxbox
So, I think your symptoms could be related as well as not. About the pain when urinating, you should maybe see another doctor and have another urine test because I have been through something like that. I had ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys, urine analysis and nothing came out. After repeating the urine analysis they identified a multidrug-resistant bacteria. I tried 3 different antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, but I only got rid of the pain on the fourth attempt.
Boxbox bernipes
What was different about the last urine sample?
The time you peed? The tests they did? Did you ever carry your urine from home?