mystery facial problems

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I'm an asthmatic with eczema and cat allergies with suspected dust mite and dog allergies and have been suffering from constant dreadful facial problems for about 8 years now

I suffer with redness greasy-like hives around my nasal airways leading up towards the forhead which I try to control quite well however my main point of suffering is I seem to have blepharitis like residue in and around my eyes. Sometimes it will be visible and I can clearly wipe away however it feels like it's in and around and behind the eyes and it's everywhere. Just feels like gritty muck, I can see it on my vision and it's making my face feel dreadful. Even when I'm not around cats it's still pretty bad and I get blister like toxic rashes on parts of my face as well. Overall my face just feels like it's freaking out and feels dreadful. the red rashes on my face are more easily controlled however the grit behind the eye I cannot do anything about. It started off in the left most part of my left eyes with a dryness itching which promptly spread to both eyes and has been dreadful ever since

I suffer from a major tooth abscess, dentists can't remove or treat the area because upon trying to remove the tooth gives me too much pain so I've been told I need a surgical extraction to remove it. I have a prominent rash-like pain all around the abscessed area leading around the jaw down towards the neck and up towards near the cheeck area of the face

I have a problem with my hearing in my left ear. I suffer from a deep ringing which I can also feel. whenever listening to sounds or music I get a discomforting pressure deep within my ear with a scratching/scraping virbrating sensation and severe sound distortion with scratch like and other far worse sounds as well. The pressure makes the side of my face and mental state feel whoozy, clouded and very sensitive and a bit painful as well. it feels like I have a cold deep within the ear

I also get pressure sensations on the left side of my head as well

I will often make weird movements with my face most notably with my left eye and it feels like I have an infection from within my face which feels horrible. I have a twitch with my head and I've been told that I stare at things more with my left eye than I do with my right as if the left is more dominant

all of it seems to have happened during a similar time frame and has been dreadful every day for 8 years and I'm not sure what to make of it

I'm thinkin it's possible due to my weakened immune system that my tooth abscess has spread causing damage to the nerves of the left side of my jaw, worked it's way up to my ear causing the pressure and sound distortion scratching problems and may have also worked it's way to my left eye and spread to both eyes and is now affecting much of my face. I also suspect it's worked it's way to my brain in the form of a brain abscess but not entirely sure. I have a bad rash around the skin of the abscessed tooth and clenching my jaw causes quite a pain at the location of the abscessed tooth and around the area. I also feel structural movement which seems to link direcently to the pressure in my head

from research I read that it's very possible for tooth abscesses to spread and causes such infections to the ear, nasal passages and could even spread to the brain in the form of cellulitis and stuff like that, can't remember the exact names

I often get split second shooting pains linking from my tooth to my ear and the pain from my team feels like it strongly correlates to the deep ringing in my ear

all of which is freaking out my face, feels like there's greasy muck all behind the skin, rashes, the weakness to the left side of my face and the substantial amounts of grit behind the eyes which feel dreadful which I can see on my vision

I don't know quite what to make of it all. I have been referred to a dental and maxillofacial clinic to see what they think however it really feels like my face is suffering every day no matter what type of location I go to and I merely can't even describe what the grit feels like in my eyes and how it creates shart pains, feels sticky and infected and just horrible. Allergy tablets don't really help enough even if I take more than one and eye drops don't do much either if irritate it even more

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8 Replies

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    to rap it up into once sentence I suspect an infection, probably from my tooth (towards the bottom left of the mouth) has spread across the side of my face, caused damage and is greatly exacerbating allergic symptoms which is making my face most particularly my eyes go crazy

    I understand it's more common in people like me who have asthma to have such problems however the symptoms of my jaw, ear, side of face feeling weaker and pressurised, eyes, rashes and head don't feel at all normal even for people like me. it feels like there is a line deep within my face which connects all of it together running from my tea, to my ear to my head. I get sharp pains which connect them which is said to be caused my damage to the nerves because of dental abscess which has spread. the term is called Trigeminal Neuralgia however the pain isn't significant or very persistent. I'ts like the shooting pain when you have a bad toothache which shoots up along the side of your face

    every day my face just feels very rotten because of all of which of what I've tried my best to describe

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    my face feels like it gets greasier day by day and my ears constantly block up with wax like there's some sort of infection or weakness with my immune system

    it was after an ENT cleaned my ears that the strong ringing in my left ear was still present that I knew it was a further problem. It's a very pressurised strong ringing coming from deep within and feels like it correlates with the problems with the side of my face

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    upon listening to loud specific types of music the ear pain becomes less tolerable and feels like it's at the direct location of my suffering eye which further shows the weak and tenderness feeling of the side of my face

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    I have to say how sorry I am for you. Your description of your problem makes it sound like you are living a nightmare. A lot of things came to my mind as I read your question. One would be to get the tooth fixed ASAP even though it means doing it surgically because that could potentially be causing the ringing in your ears as well as the infection and the pain. The dentist should put you on an antibiotic to clear up the infection in your tooth. Secondly I don't agree with your assessment that it's all related. I think its more likely two or maybe even more conditions. Possibly all autoimmune disorders. Have you seen your GP? If not then that should be your first stop and done immediately. If you have seen your GP or some other medical Dr what did they say? Also you need to see an opthamologist regarding your eyes. This site is no place to solve the complex problems you are facing. You need to deal with this promptly before it gets worse, if that's possible. You are potentially risking your eyesight. I wish you luck on this problem. I hope you get fixed up soon.

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      I think's a contributory set of unique circumstances causing this problem

      my gp said there's not much that can be done about blepharitis and gave me some allergy tablets that don't work well however the problem feels a lot more severe than just blepharitis also because it's affecting multiple parts of my face

      when I'm near cats I flair up badly, can't breathe even after taking my inhaler and my eyes deteriorate even more, got blood tested for cats which gave a reading for >100 on the rast scale which is the highest it can go and an overall reading of 1017 of which a normal reading of non allergic individuals shouldn't be higher than 57 I think

      right now I'm experiencing what feels like decay and bloatedness all along the jaw of where the abscessed tooth is located, especially when clenching gives considerable pain which shoots up along the ear, near the eye and to the pressure location I experience in my head as well as a large rash all along the skin at the location of the infected jaw near the neck

      I'm going back to my gp to ask for some referrals maybe to an ent and an opthamologist however right now am concerned about that my face feels puffed out near the location of my painful jaw

      I'll have to wait for the maxillofacial appointment and hope they can access and figure out a bit more of what is going on

      it feels as if the pain of my jaw where it feels puffed is clenching and the feeling runs along up to my ear which makes me believe an infection has spread and damaged and caused swelling of some sort.

      the huge rash I feel by my jaw feels like it's playing a big part in the suffering of my face currently but sometimes feel it running all along the bottom of my jaw under my chin and my face in general feels sticky and clumpy and my eyes just have tones of what feels like sticky infected crap around and behind them

      it's as if an infection has spread and is deteriorating my face. It just feels horrible

      there's a lot more to say however it's all a bit much

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      I've never really had a long enough full diagnostic test much so my first step would be to get appointments to get it done

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      I'm certain this jaw problem is what's causing the pressing moving pressure kind of feeling in my head as well

      it's all a lot to deal with

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      is it be normal to get constant pressure in the left side of the head which feels like it relates to the tooth and left side of the face swelling and pain discomfort feeling that I get?

      the left side of my face feels "enlarged" swollen which also correlates to the large rash I feel which is centralised to the location of the tooth abcess I get

      feels weird to have the constant prodding pressure feeling in my head which won't go away. the pressure has grown and is now constant compared to what it used to be and always happens in the same place of my head. feels like it correlates to the jaw pain I'm always having

      it's as if it's linking from the tooth to the ear to the pressure in my head that it feels quite decayed imo I really don't know how to describe it

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