Mystery Pain and Pressure
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Hello I have been having severe pain and pressure on my sides under the ribs radiating towards back. I also have upper abdominal discomfort around my rib area and it feels like something is eating my insides around my ribs. I have alot of gas build up, sometimes after I eat food comes back up. I am constipated and can not use the restroom fully without regular laxative use. I had a ct scan, ultrasound, mri of my spine, done and almost every test in the book done and they say nothing is wrong with me. They look at me like I am making this all up but I am miserable I can't live like this every day. It does not get worse after eating certain types of food or I haven;t noticed. I was having sharp pains on my right side radiating towards the upper part of my stomach towards my ribs. The best way to describe the pain is sometimes it is sharp random pains but it is usually just an intense, gnawing pain that feels like my insides are just eating themselves. Gallbladder showed nothing on ct scan and ultrasound. I've had every blood test in the book they all show nothing. No inflammation in my blood either. I eat mostly healthy, salads, veggies, chicken ect. stopped drinking alcohol except a glass of wine like once a week, I've been to ER 3 times they can't do anything for me. They say I am constipated with severe gas but after they told me to drink an entire bottle of milk of magnesia to clear me in the beginning of March. The pressure turned to pains. I can not live like this every day. I have an endoscopy and colonoscopy scheduled for Tuesday but that will probably show nothing. I feel crazy but I did not feel like this 4 months ago. Any advise greatly appreciated.
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biliarydyskines msclieb85
tymebox msclieb85
In addition to your healthy salads, I'd recommend you also try taking real aloe vera juice/gel regularly. It's very good for a healthy GI tract.
Neida msclieb85
pippa58442 msclieb85