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Hi ladies, 

In perimenapause does anyone have nacious every morning seems like morning sickness. 

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes - I am nauseous quite regularly. I rely on ginger gum to get me through.
  • Posted

    Hi my love

    The answer to ur question is YES!!!!!

    This has been a symptom that has come and gone in my last ten years of peri

    I hate it very stressful 

    I’ve had three upper endoscopy and stomach scans

    All clear

    Chin up

    Take ginger capsules or anything with ginger it helps

    I also use sea bands they are pressure bands for your wrists x

    • Posted

      Yes I get that too

      I’ve had very severe symptoms in peri

      I’m in my 11th year

      If you read my other threads

      One is b12 deficient thread the other is obsessed about my breathing thread you will get a better understanding 

      I’ve been on this forum for many years

      It’s a long hard journey x

  • Posted

    Yes I have had this for months now, every morning I wake up hoping to not feel sick, but more often than not I am, it is quite like pregnancy and is worse in the morning but lasts all day, really can’t wait until it eases off, are you in early or late peri? I’m hoping it’s more of an early symptom as I’m 41 so got a way to go yet, started taking the pill a few weeks ago to see if it helps - so far it has just made me more nauseous! 😫

    • Posted

      Hi karen, 

      I'm 51 I started having a lot of symptoms about 6 months ago but I think it was already creeping in before I also have achy muscles in my legs and arms brain fog you name it I hope it gets better I heard it going to be.

      How about you how long and what symptoms did you have or had.

    • Posted

      Hi, I think I’ve had noticable symptoms for about 18 months, but the past year has been intense, waves of anxiety and depression and night sweats being my other main symptoms along with the nausea. I have stiff shoulders and neck, but that doesn’t bother me as much as the others. I’m just taking one day at a time at the moment, it’s so exhausting just getting through the day sometimes, although I do get good spells that can last for months so I figure there must be some way of managing it! It’s been so cold in London the past couple of weeks but I’m waking up with sweat dripping down my face so I know something is up, but my bloods are normal, so the only explanation is peri menopause - and my periods have been really erratic as well - I had clots and flooding with intense cramps, and then they became really light which I’ve never had before in my life - any advice on managing symptoms most welcome! Love the ladies on this forum, have been my lifeline these past few months x
  • Posted

    Oh deep joy and sheer delight do I know what this feels like. Morning sickness is exactly what its like but at any time of the day and can be triggered by certain smells too. I use ginger beer (flat) or gripe water with ginger tincture in it - works wonders. Try it you never know! XXX
    • Posted


      How do you cope with this it's driving me crazy my brain fog is every day I don't know what to do and I have aches and pain different parts of my body. 

    • Posted

      Alot of my coping mechanism is the men in my life. They have a radical sense of humour and laugh at me when I have a 'senior moment' as they call it. If I get really bad gas and I fart they all turn it into a contest to see who can do the longest and loudest etc; I'd go nuts if it wasnt for them making light of everything it has really helped with anxiety and all the days I feel like s**t they all make me smile. Even my gp who is like a member of my family joins in and makes me laugh when he comes to see me. They say laughter is the best medicine well it certainly helps where this crap is concerned. XXX

  • Posted

    YES!!! I have been nauseas for 9 days like I’m prego . I’m getting an ultrasound today because I feel I’m having a kid pain, contractions like pains .  This is crazy I’m losing my mind 

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