Nagging leg & knee pain
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ok, not really sure if this is a menopause related issue, but for the last three weeks i have had nagging knee/leg issues primarily in my right leg. The pain is like a nagging toothache, there is no swelling, but constant pain. i have tried ice, heat, advil etc. Nothing helps. i thought perhaps it was gout, but i think you get that in your big toe - i did not hurt my knee or leg in anyway to suffer this kind of pain. This happened once before to me & i thought i had a blood clot, but no i didnt. Anybody else have this? It really hurts!
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katyD211 debra16694
Wow...i swear i just sat down with heating pad 2 minutes ago. Same pain, same leg. It's on the outside of knee and upwards through side of thigh and hip. My son who is a runner tells me it sounds like IT band irritation and had me do some stretches and rollers. Now heat and ibuprofen.
Seems he was right because i am getting relief...although i will go to see my doc to confirm.
Never had this before peri began.
debra16694 katyD211
hi Katy - Thanks for responding - is your pain constant? Its weird mine feels like its centered on the side of the knee but i also feel it on my thigh & back of my leg - ugh! it hurts! i just went to Urgent Care and left...standing room only & everyone had masks on so i left - yuck!
katyD211 debra16694
ewwww!!Yes, I don't blame you for leaving...go in for 1 thing and not trying to leave with 2!!
Yes, since Christmas the pain has been constant until yesterday when i did stretches and took ibuprofen and applied heat. I noticed during my middle of night toilet run (ah...meno gifts!) that i was no longer limping!
sabrina1971 debra16694
I have that on my right leg too. It was mainly around the knee and shin. I took painkillers for a while and have been seeing a physical therapist which has helped with a gentle exercise plan. But on some days there is still just this nagging there. Not pain, but just telling me it's there. If it wakes me in the night I am awake all night. I am so beyond frustrated with it. Been waiting weeks to see my doctor but she's fully booked and on a cancellation list. Never imagined it could be meno. ugh! I hope you get to find out what is going on!
tawana68 debra16694
Hi Ladies , i have had the same issues but mine is in my left knee. its been going on for like 4 weeks now but only when i overuse it like to much walking or bending ? i dont lnow but i have never had issues with my knees prior to the peri nightmare.
Im 50 years old and skipped two periods and then got one in december so i know menopause is getting closer . all these changes a woman goes through in her life we aught to have medals ill tell ya . hahaha..
lord help us all stay strong and keep going one day at a time.
Belinda1971 debra16694
Ok, I have a possible answer for this. I have been dealing with this Sh** for almost 18 mos. I have seen drs, specialists, physio and finally a chiropractor who actually knows what I have. This is caused by the foot and it creates a chain reaction that goes all the way up to the lower back. He said as we get older our feet change, they get flatter and lose the arch. I think the word was pronation. With me it started as a burn in my heel, like a blister, then a month or two later it was a stitch in my knee. Six mos after that it started in my hip. An ache that wont go away. Now my back is a mess because he started to adjust me to get my pelvis and hips straightened out and my body hasnt been straight in over a year. His recommendations between visits: house shoes are a must. No bare feet unless Im in bed or bath. Yoga type stretches to get muscles moving. Sit with lumbar support. No slouchy chairs. Heat pads. Keep moving. I know your pain ladies, its bloody awful. An absolute hinderance. Go see a chiro and ask him about pronation and even read him this message. And also, if you have been of the belief that chiro's dont help, now is the time to bite the bullet and go see one. A dr cant do much for you with this issue except prescribe meds and lord knows we all get enough drugs stuffed into our hands. Drugs wont fix this problem.
debra16694 Belinda1971
hi Belinda - Well thank you for all the information. i just went to a second Urgent Care facility because the nagging pain is driving me nuts. i wanted them to rule out a blood clot & gout, which he did. i did get an RX for a MRI which i want to get to just to make sure i dont have something horribly wrong with my knee. The dr didnt say much outside of he thought it could be a torn meniscus or there was overall inflammation in the knee joint (i could have told him that). i have been thinking about going to a chiropractor because i also have achilles tendonapathy & i do think my sore feet/tendons are throwing everything out of whack - i really hope i get some answers, because this nagging pain is really driving me crazy!
katyD211 Belinda1971
Jeeeezus!Thanks so much for your information!I will be armed with this when I finally get my appointment turn.
laura21869 debra16694
I have problems with my right knee/hip also. Pain and they crackle when I go up stairs. It's the result of inflammation (can be addressed with diet/supplements, beginning osteoporosis/arthritis, and a very tight IT band. The more I move/ stretch, the better. I'm also in PT, take muscle relaxers etc.