Nalmafene/Selincro - am I doing it wrong?

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Dear all,

I'm in on my 9th tablet of Selincro and I'm drinking as if I never started Selincro. I feel weird when I take the tablet (which I do take 2 hours before I even touch a drink) but I feel I drink to counteract the "weird" feeling. I take my tablet and feel a bit spaced, so to counteract that I drink my drink a little quicker so I can feel a little bit drunk (my safe zone). I'm wondering if this is normal, or am I a total lost cause? I know I have only started the medicated, maybe I should be more patient, but I'm an impatient person and tend to jump to conclusions. Just wondering am I doing things right? Or am I totally off the mark?

Many thanks

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Ffs, just how I feel. Though I'm on naltrexone so just an hour to wait for me. So upset. So angry with myself for probably being that small percent it doesn't work for. Story of my life ..
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      Just going through all posts, discussions for the last few days. Really sorry if offended anyone with my comment!!!embarressed!!!🤐
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      Never feel embarrassed we are all in the same boat. Hope you are well paper fairy.
  • Posted

    As long as you are taking a Selincro tablet 2 hours prior to drinking, then you are doing what you need to do for now.  The spaced sensation you mention is normal and often lessens to nothing within the first 6-10 tablets for most people.

    Once you take the first drink, try aim to drink it as slowly as possible.  You should be able to recognise that 'something' is missing from the drinking experience - that thing people call the rush, or kick, or 'ahhh' feeling.

    If you drink too quickly, you will find that you are not able to listen to you brain because you are getting under the influence.

    Between drinks, ask yourself if you really want another.  When you brain gives you the message that it is satisfied and has had enough, then act on that and put the drink down.  Remove yourself from it and do something else.

    If you take the tablet, and then knock the drink back without thinking about it, then the proces will not be as smooth.

    Patience is also key.  I know that is difficult, but it is necessary.  I am reading on here lately of people taking less than 10 tablets and expecting something drastic to have happened (to be recovered?).  The process from start to the finish of your cravings being extinguished can take months for some people.  And during that time there may be good drinking sessions and bad drinking sessions - but working WITH the medication, rather than just expecting it to be a magic pill, is vital.

    The pill is NOT a magic pill, but it is a TOOL that stops mental compulsion to continue drinking compulsively in search of satisfying the need to do so.  Now that compulsion is broken, it gives you the opportunity to make small changes in your habits and you do need to put that part of the effort it.  But learning new habits takes time so that is why patience is needed.  Over time, the combined efforts of the tablet extinguishing your cravings, and your efforts in listening to your brain and learning new coping techniques add up to success.

    Most people have been drinking for many years prior to getting to the stage of needing help, and maybe even longer afterwards.  If you think logically about it, it is simply unrealistic to expect changes over the course of a few tablets.

    If you need any additional support as you go along with the Selincro, just PM me and we can talk.

    • Posted

      Thank you Joanna for giving up your Friday night to talk to me. This shows that you believe in this drug and it is not a way to make money from others that take advantage of this illness. There's been a few for me!

      I will follow your advice regarding eating and drinking water when I take the pill an hour before.

      Will keep in touch with everyone to help you all too.

      We did touch on the fact that I may be lacto intolerant as I can't drink milk, cream, cheese since I was a baby. But we hope that is not why I'm having such a reaction the following day. 

      Thank you so much J, and paperfairy comes from a fav book of mine, said I'd tell you! The guy, Khaled Hosseini, And the mountains echoed. He wrote the Kite runner. Bless you xx

    • Posted

      Always happy to help if I can, PF biggrin

      Pleased to say that I now doubt that it is anything to do with lactose because you didn't experience this level of feeling horrid the day after when you first started the pills.   That is good.  So eat first, drink water and we will see how things are feeling in a few days.

    • Posted

      Thank you Joanna, I need to make a conscious effort next week to try harder. At the moment I have a terrible cold and, as always, am self medicating with alcohol to try help me sleep/deal with symptoms. Hopefully once this passes I will have a stronger resolve.
  • Posted

    For brevity. Give it time and don't give up at the first hurdle.
  • Posted

    Hello BK522.  I am having a weird feeling with Selincro, but want to make it work.  Day8 for me.  I am a "speedy drinker".  It is so hard for me to try and slow down and be mindful about what I am doing.  I drink alcohol really fast.....That might be the problem with Selincro , in the mix, as well.  I don't think my brain can register the alcohol fast enough.  I struggle to make the 2hour break between tab and drink. Then, still drink at speed.  I think we need to really SLOW DOWN.  I just find that so difficult.  Good luck.  Let me know how you cope.  I am scared silly tonight...have had bottle of strong wine.  Don't want to get more...but it is early....long time awake ahead.  Brain Bamboozled ! 
  • Posted

    On my 37th Nalmefene, it takes time, listen to Joanna, be patient, i know it is hard, but it will come good. Down to 80 units pw from 110, only 8 tonight.
    • Posted

      Great job, pete, congratulations on getting the drinking cut down. 

      Listen to the voice of experience, BK522. The man knows what he's talking about.

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      Pete that's amazing, well done. I'm down to 12 tonight, but I think it's partly due to the fact I have a cold and don't feel like getting drunk, just want a little bit to "alleviate" some symptoms and help me sleep.
    • Posted

      Will take note! Early days, need to realise that and just stick with it.
    • Posted

      Good deal, BK522. Even when it doesn't feel like it, you are winning.  

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