Nasty Panic Attack
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I had a bad night last night. I was on the third day of my period and I was feeling fine all day and then all of a sudden when I was getting ready for bed I got this pain in the back of my neck. Then my shoulders and neck felt real stiff. So I asked my husband to massage my neck and shoulders. When I got into bed I drifted off to sleep but was suddenly awakened by this panicky feeling followed by heart palpatations and then my left eye felt like it was jumping. Then I kept feeling this buzzing sensation moving around in my head. Ugh! It was the worst experience. All I could do was lie there and wait for it to pass. I hate these symptoms and can't wait for them to go away for good! I have been having really good days lately since I have been consistently taking my vitamins but I guess every now and then we still get these incidents here and there. Sorry just needed to vent.
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k49316 sharcerv52408
when I read you're post above, it's like it could have been written by me.
i too have better weeks and then it just hits me again.
i still can't believe that this is all down to peri menopause as it's so nasty I have thought on many occasions that I am seriously I'll or dying.
i hope you feel better again soon, and hope that you know that you are not alone in this as unfortunately so many women seem to be suffering such debilitating symptoms. I feel for you so much and can only hope that these episodes get less and less and finally get the message to bugger off once and for all because they're really unwanted!
anyway, my rant over too, hope you feel better soon and hopefully some more ladies will be on here shortly with more support too.
sharcerv52408 k49316
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klvb1162 sharcerv52408
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jayneejay sharcerv52408
oh honey thats not nice, with you being on a period and hormones on a high again
( as other wise you wouldnt have a period) maybe its the erratic up and downs again..
as you know I am 10 years peri ( age 50) no period for almost a year, so my hormones have naturally lowered natural route, with aid of what i mentioned previously... but still a blip occurs from time to time... even this far down the peri road..
hope you have a better day and a restful night tonight ...
try breathing in slowly and exhaling slowly it relaxes you ... Jay xx
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
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