Natural menopause anyone?
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Hi ladies
Its me again.
So had 10 years peri hell and im now officially post meno.
Blood tests confirmed ovaries have shut down.
Ive gone through all this with no meds.
Are any of you ladies post meno and doing it with no HRT?
Ive had 3 different opinions from 3 different doctors.
The last one telling me if i dont go on HRT i will have broken bones and higher risk of heart attack!!!
He said i could be on it fot 10 years im 51 at the moment.
I really dont want to go on HRT but he has made me feel like if i dont its gonna be awful.
I said to him so after 10 years if i can be on it and find the right one i then have to come off. Then what?
Im feeking bad enough already with all these symptoms and now accrpting the fact my ovaries have defo shut down. Its a strange feeling even though i knew it already.
Im confused and now second guessing my decision to go without HRT.
After all it doesnt suit everyone. I had terrible problems with thr contraceptive pill all my life and has to get sterilised in the end.
What are your thoughts ladies x
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fiona27807 michelle97919
michelle97919 fiona27807
Thank you i will look that up x
lydia2311 michelle97919
michelle97919 lydia2311
Anxiety is my worst symptom.
I do have hot flushes painful joints painful intercourse and every other symptom going lol
But the worst is the anxiety.
I did say ive been in peri 10 years and it was awful.
Doctor had given me 10mg cytalapram an antidepredsant to try. I havent yet.
I almost ferl like my doctor has said without HRT im doomed!!
Which is not helpingvmy thinking process right now x
lydia2311 michelle97919
The anxiety can be very troubling. I had terrible waves of doom and gloom, and then awful awful adrenalin rushes that ended in bouts of ugly face crying. Haha! I started estrogen patches as i got a few really bad urinary tract infections. Made a huge difference to my health generally, more energy, no more uti's and less itchy skin and importantly - no more joint pain. I also take a prometrium tablet which has reduced my anxiety and improved my sleep. I know hrt isn't for everyone and i plan on staying on it only for the least possible time, but i couldnt deal with bcp as they were too strong and sude effects were awful.
Yellow88 michelle97919
Hi Michelle, well there’s always risks with everything so it’s about taking each day at a time and seeing how you go.
I am 57 and have got through with no HRT. The closest I’ve got is using Estriol cream for vaginal dryness which has helped. It’s been a rocky road sometimes with fatigue, anxiety and flushes etc etc and once or twice I have come VERY close to giving in but I feel I’m through the worst now and I’m pleased that I didn’t. I’ve also had the most stressful 6 years of my life EVER for family reasons just at a time when I could have done without it! Timing eh?!
So my advice would be, push on through day by day & try without. Vitamin B helps with anxiety and nerves, take magnesium & calcium for your bones, eat healthily, make sure your iron levels are ok, walk, swim, breathe, keep telling yourself it will get better and surround yourself with good friends. Hopefully you have an understanding husband, tell him when you’re low and ask him to just hold you, he won’t know what to do !!! but I hope he’ll do what he can. Most of all keep looking at this forum, the ladies here are brilliant with help and suggestions. All of our experiences are different.
Dont forget, its a natural process - we’ve all got to go through it so no amount of chemical substitutes are going to stop it without some price to pay.
All the best lovey.
michelle97919 Yellow88
Thank you so much for your reply. I agree 100% with everyting you have said.
My husband is very supportive and i to have had a lot of family stress over the last 10 years also.
Obviously not helped.
One day at a time thats what i will do.
I will not be forced into making a decision that im not comfortable with.
My eldest daughter has chronic fatigue syndrome and is very unwell at the moment. My youngest is 6 months pregnant so expecting my 3rd grandchild. My middle daughter has problems with her partner so thats a stress.
I have five children although only one still at home.
It has truly been a testing time.
Yed the ladies here are amazing.
Im a veteran on this site lol x
Oh yes forgot to say i work also as a learning support in college so trying to juggle it all right now x
aly48544 michelle97919
Hi Michelle I'm 56 and started HRT 6mths ago only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.
I didn't have really bad symptoms but I did want to benefit from the stronger bones and the benefits to the heart etc I have also gained a waist and lost 17lbs and ditched my antidepressants!? Now that was a surprise.. I was always told it would make me gain weight? Whatever your decision iwish you well luv Aly xx
michelle97919 aly48544
Ya know my concerns are finding the right one and having to come off.
Its not a decision i take lightly.
I know you cant be on it forever and also im not really at ease with putting hormones in my body that are naturally depleting.
I suppose what im saying is i dont wanna mess with nature.
That being said im not saying never.
Im still thinking about it.
Im really glad its helping you x
Indifferent michelle97919
I am in the same boat...I am very reluctant to mess with nature. I am 49 next month and have been in peri since about 40. It has been extremely difficult. The anxiety was the worst for me as well. I have been anxiety free since April 2017...afterb6 or 7 years of being house bound with it. I have good days and bad days with all the other symptoms now and take it a day at a time. So far I can handle the rest of it. I don't think our bodies need fact our bodies are trying to rid themselves of hormones by natural how a doctor can tell you that your body needs them??
Naturally it does not.
But getting there is HARD work.
It will be ultimately up to you...but don't let a doctor push you into it without seeking alternative naturopathic advice first.
I am still under 50...still have periods. I have no idea what my future holds with this to be honest. I may be singing a different tune at 55. I may be just hoping to reach 65 by then and will take matter the risks...who knows!
I have read enough on here that I completely understand both sides.
And I know better than to say 'never' cause never can be an eternity in this stage of life. Lol
michelle97919 Indifferent
Amen to that. I totally agree with everything you said.
Im post meno no period for 14 months.
Blood test said ovaries have completely shut down.
Like you im taking one day at a time.
Im not saying i never will because ive learned on this journey to never say never.
After 10 years of peri hell ive know idea what post meno will bring.
Im 51 september so im apprehensive about whats ahead.
But as my mum said yesterday
Well done you did it lol
My family have seen my struggles the last 10 years.
Ive been very open hard to hide it.
Praying for relief for you
God bless x
Mainly because i had no idea what was happening to me.
Stay strong x
Finny2018 Indifferent
Hi Indifferent - this is a great reply! I was reading this part of your post over and over...
"I don't think our bodies need fact our bodies are trying to rid themselves of hormones by natural how a doctor can tell you that your body needs them?? Naturally it does not."
And that is what I keep asking myself over and over! Why do I need hormones???'s where I get stuck - why is it that approximately 20% of us have a VERY rough go of it when our hormones drop and the other 80% don't? That's the million dollar question!!!
What is it about my chemical makeup that brings anxiety, depression, fatigue, hot flashes, nausea, joint aches, acne, chin hair, vaginal dryness for the first time at 49?
My friend went through meno and is 55!
I want someone to explain this to me.
Why do some of us have the chin hair, incontinence and vaginal dryness and others do not?
My mom had a breeze! My doctor's mom had a breeze, too! And yet here I am one of the 20% - why is that?? Why did my doctor break down and do the hormones? Why can we have so many symptoms and others not?
My current theory is that my mom's hormones dropped slow and steady - slow and steady! That's my current theory on the 80% of women who hardly noticed their "change".
My theory is that perhaps 20% of us do not have the benefit of a slow and steady drop. Maybe it's due to a radical drop and our bodies have no time to slowly adjust and compensate. That's the current theory I have, lol!
As of today...I'm using that very popular progesterone cream that doesn't require a prescription. There's a gal in Australia that also sells the same cream and I think she looks to be in her mid to late 70's and has been using it for years.
Do I go back and forth asking myself - why complicate things? Why even start this cream? yes - I ask myself daily - am I messing with nature? But then I take a multi-vitamin - LOL - why do I do that? And I take vitamin D. Oh how I wish I knew the why! I can so relate to you, Indifferent. This forum helps me in so many ways!
Indifferent Finny2018
I think it is emotional. Hard to explain but I think some of us have been fighting emotional issues from childhood...and that is why we have the issues...part of it I think is adrenal fatigue from dealing with more stress and emotional issues than others. Just my thoughts
anat0280 Finny2018
I am not sure I understood you Progesteron gel you use for the vaginal dryness or the symptoms?
Bless you for better days
mrs_susan74280 aly48544
karen156794231 Indifferent
Hi Indifferent - I am so happy to hear your anxiety is much improved. I am 52 and have not had a period/spotting in three months; before that my "periods" were just spotting for a day. Right now by far the worst part of this process is the intense anxiety/panic I am experiencing. It numbs my face and head and I am constantly dizzy/nauseous, including heart palpitations, with no let up. I would be most grateful if you would share how you overcame the anxiety. Be well and thank you.