Natural menopause anyone?

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Hi ladies

Its me again.

So had 10 years peri hell and im now officially post meno.

Blood tests confirmed ovaries have shut down.

Ive gone through all this with no meds.

Are any of you ladies post meno and doing it with no HRT?

Ive had 3 different opinions from 3 different doctors.

The last one telling me if i dont go on HRT i will have broken bones and higher risk of heart attack!!!

He said i could be on it fot 10 years im 51 at the moment.

I really dont want to go on HRT but he has made me feel like if i dont its gonna be awful.

I said to him so after 10 years if i can be on it and find the right one i then have to come off. Then what?

Im feeking bad enough already with all these symptoms and now accrpting the fact my ovaries have defo shut down. Its a strange feeling even though i knew it already.

Im confused and now second guessing my decision to go without HRT.

After all it doesnt suit everyone. I had terrible problems with thr contraceptive pill all my life and has to get sterilised in the end.

What are your thoughts ladies x

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38 Replies

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    Hi there, I'm 55 and just started missing cycles this year- missed June and now August.  I have been going through peri for about 5 years that I can recall, the only reason is the emotional symptoms.  I never suffered from depression or anxiety until 5 years ago...and wow! 

    Last year I went through a cardiac issue - Atrial fibrillation episode , again this year so I am now on blood thinners- a cycle on them is scary.  Other than that and blood pressure meds going  all natural- but stress is a factor/trigger for Afib, and this peri anxiety and depression is making stress a daily battle.  My mother 77 years old has afib, pacemaker, strokes, fractured hip, ankle, arthritis, prolapsed bladder/incontinence, prolapsed rectum and went through menopause naturally.  My mother in law is 83 and not so much as a hangnail.  As she says I hardly noticed menopause- she was on hormones for 10 years.  Yes the genetics plays a role maternal grandmother lived until 60s , inlaw's mother until 98.My gyno says we can do HRT once my body stops making hormones but not while.  I just want to be the old me!

    • Posted

      Jacqueline - isn't it amazing the differing opinions we all have from one gyno to the next? It's so interesting to me!

      My female doctor started on HRT at 50 and she is now 60. She said I could start immediately if I'd like (I will be 50 in November). Not sure yet if I will do it; I'm starting first with that wild yam (progesterone) that you can buy online or in the health food stores.

      I have a gal from the UK that I watch on youtube who has a makeup channel - I think she started on the HRT in her late forties? I am thankful that we have options; I think if you are interested you would maybe consider another doctor versus waiting? I'm not sure how your quality of life is...I had to start with something. smile 

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