Natural progesterone
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I am thinking about going on the natural progesterone to help with my paplpitations
I had a bad few days crying, palpitations and arguing with my boyfriend
I put myself in the phsych unit but they only kept me in for the night because the social worker that put me in saw that I was crying and not coping to good The doctors released me the next day since I am not suicidal they said I can work it out with my outside doctor.
Just a bad week
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jayneejay susan21149
see a gyno about any hrt
natural progesterone is still HRT
jay x
margaret04348 susan21149
nikiola18292 susan21149
Try magnesium for palpitations it helped me, had them really bad a couple of years ago, took myself to A&E. I now take magneisium OK available at Boots. Im Peri so know exactly how you feel. Come on here when you are feeling bad for support, we are all going through the same thing, i fairly new here and this is really a godsend for me.
margaret04348 nikiola18292
debi62095 susan21149
susan21149 debi62095
nikiola18292 debi62095
annieschaefer susan21149
Unfortunately, there were some lingering symptoms that prompted the doctor to put me on what is considered "bioidentical" pill form, for whatever that means...I don't know, is supposed to be easier on the system.
Pill form still goes through the liver, as cream does not, and I was told there is a way to take this vaginally, therefore bypassing the liver, if I chose to go that route.
Overall, I have noticed improvements when taking the cream and now the pill form. I don't care to be on it long, but after some real tough times, leveling things out this way seems to agree with me. Everyone is different, so again what works for some, may not others. I do hope this will help you feel better as it really is scary when we feel so awful.
Please see a doctor to guide you through this be it the cream or other form of progesterone to help you feel better.
I do have a few friends who have simply gone online and purchased the cream and they seem to do ok, I just feel better having someone educated in this area to monitor my progress and adjust as we go along.
Hoping you feel better real soon Susan.
Annie xx
claire13384 susan21149
kathy46259 susan21149
Hi, ......a bad week? Hope they improve.
I use the Progesterone with the wild yam in it. I stopped the crying, the heart palpitations and flutters. I'm sure if I had a man in my life he would have left by now. Tell your boyfriend to stick around, you could be healthier than the next lady he runs across. This business of being a female is frustrating. Your not crazy, even if some of your doctors my dismiss your ailments to depression many of us here will telll you we go through the same darn thing, some of the doctors are not fully informed.
have a lovely week.
susan21149 kathy46259
My sister told me about the natural progesterone with yams or soy. I am thinking about progesterone pills the natural ones with yams or soy.
She says it may help stop the palpitations that I have she told me not to worry because all palpitations is not heart related. She told me it could be that my progesterone is low and that can cause it.
Thank you for your advice Talk to you later