Natural Progesterone

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Hi Ladies,I hope you are all well. I d just like to know anyone's opinions or experiences with Natural Progesterone.I can't take HRT   I m having crazy panic attacks,lightheaded feelings,hot sweats,sweating constantly under my arms,I don t sleep well and it's all really getting me down.I know peri menopause is something we have to get through,but it's getting crazy now.i havnt had a proper period for five months,and I m 46. I feel like I can't look after my family properly,I hate my 12 yr old daughter seeing me like this.Sorry for going on,i ve just read an article about natural progesterone and wondered if this could help.Thanks for listening xx

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi ,yes I've got Wellsprings Progesterone  used it for a while ,not much changed if any ,considering using it again though ,but try those ovules Jay mentioned back a while . I've had this what I call Gyne anxiety for simply ages now  trying to just wait it out ,hard as it is .

       Where do you feel most anxiety from ? Or is coming from ? Me it's below ,uncomfortable even to sit as I've got sciatica .

      Get there eventually .I don't seem to get as many hot flushes ,so there dying off  little light at end of my tunnel .Bloody hormones governing our female lives daily .

    • Posted

      Hi Marlene,my anxiety just seems to come over me,mostly when I m moving around,doing housework etc.i get lightheaded a lot and that brings on the anxiety thanks for your help xx
  • Posted

    Hi Fudgey Bear, just love that name cheesygrin

    I've tried two different types of HRT so far, neither suitable, after reading a reputable medical article (my Dad sent to me), yes I'm lucky enough to have a hero for a Dad. Anyway the professionals are convinced that you have to keepo trying until you find the Tailor made HRT for you...........

    But, like you I just want it fixed, the moods, the hot flashes, the emotional roller coaster. Last week I was totally bonkers (period), I'm peri as well rolleyes

    I get so depressed, 

    I don't feel quallified to advice you on the natural alternative to HRT but I wanted you to know YOU'RE  NOT ALONE Fudgey wink

    I take an anti-depressant called Sertraline (Zoloph) and it has helped me so much smile

    I'm waiting to see what the other girls have to say

                        So long Fudgey B

                                        Mrs M  xxx

    • Posted

      H Mrs M,thanks for replying,it's my daughters teddy bears name lol. I read all the information about meno and I end up more confused.I know I don't want HRT,but when I saw an article about a natural one,I thought I would ask all you lovely ladies for some advise.I so pleased we have this site to support each other,I never realised meno would be so hard to cope with.I hope you re having a good day xx
  • Posted

    Hi Fudgy ,don't know why my reply hasent come into reply 

       Moderator ? 

      Just spoke on your progesterone question ,as I've tried it .

  • Posted

    It depends on you bodys reaction. Natural progesterone can cause the same problems as HRTs I called the 1 800 number and yes its still an HRT and yes it can cause panic attacks too, High blood pressure, and it can make you jumpy and nervous. 

    I was on natural progesterne i was jumpy on it had a bad headache, felt weak, felt like my speech slowed down, felt like i was going to fall out that why i called the 1 800 number and they did tell me that yes it can cause this so i made a complaint. 

    If you are having that much problems with HRTs then i would not suggest for you to take natural progesterone what you read it still has its side effects. 

    I would talk to your doctor and see what he recomends 

    Its up to you and what you want to do because everybody is different and it may be right for you but just weigh the options if HRTs are not working how would the natural progesterone work look at the options and how you feel on the HRTs and talk to your doctor

    • Posted

      Thanks for your advise Susan,I don't want to take HRT as their is a history of breast cancer in my family.the advertising for the natural progesterone is totally mis leading,I m sorry you had a bad experience xx
    • Posted

      Thank you fudgeybear 

      I hope they find something for you that will work 

  • Posted

    If it is 'natural' progesterone made from mexican yam, it has been scientifically proven that it does not transfer to humans - only worked with mice.

    Have you established that you need progesterone (progestogen) or oestrogen?  Investigate the bio-identical oestradiol transdermal patches (matrix).  They come in measures of 25, 50, 75, 100.  There is also oestradiol daily gel satchets.  Perhaps it is possible to use a gel on your worst days.

    Progestogen appears to be the most problematic hormone but is essential for some women.  Keep it light, some drs prescribe way too much, thereby causing problems.

    I have been using oestradiol for 25 years without any problems (early hysterectomy, oopherectomy).  It is miracle stuff.


    • Posted

      Just read later posts.  My maternal aunt had breast cancer (never used hrt) but her lifestyle was very unhealthy compared to mine.  She survived in any case - no problems.  I was not going to let her experience ruin my life.

      It has not really been scientifically proven that hrt causes breast cancer.  An early study which came out with that result was flawed.  Oestrogen protects your heart among other things, and the latest stats said one in four women die of heart disease post untreated menopause.

      Just remember, not all oestrogens are equal.  You must do your homework to find the best one, and don't depend on myths.


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