Natural progesterone cream
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So after some recommendations from a few of you lovely ladies I’ve started with the natural progesterone cream for heavy bleeding/clots. How long should it take to start regulating my periods?
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Guest HayleyW75
When I had my three week period it seemed to taper a few days after starting the progesterone. I’ve been taking it all month, just got a smattering of a spotting today, hardly anything , 34 days from last period. Sure had a rough month and bad pms and cramping, but still no period.
Seems to make sense to take progesterone. Hope it works for you!
Give it some time, my bottle recommends taking more then it lists if your symptoms are severe. I’d look it up to see.
HayleyW75 Guest
HayleyW75 Guest
I think it’s working!! My period slowed down to just spotting after a few days (after 2 months of a very heavy & clotting period). I came on a few days early this month but it’s been very light, almost nothing but I couldn’t completely trust it. I’m starting the cream again (as per instructions) fingers crossed it’s working! I’m also so much more like my normal self, not many mood swings and hardly any brain fog but that could be down to other vitamins I’m taking x
Guest HayleyW75
That's great news Hayley!! I'm still using mine as well, my period never came and no spotting. Progesterone is the first thing that goes missing in peri.
So whatever is working, vitamins, progesterone, who cares? Just keep doing what's working!
HayleyW75 Guest
Guest HayleyW75
Hi Hayley
what this cream called please . .? 😄
HayleyW75 Guest
AJacynM HayleyW75
Hi there,
Could you tell us its brand name and if it's available in the UK?
Thank you.
AJ. xx
Guest HayleyW75
AJacynM Guest
I'm on my 3rd type of progesterone too!! 😖
Guest AJacynM
Hi I have try utrogestan ,drospitenone,norethindrone and levonorgestrel all terrible I gave them time drospiterone recent one took me so low but now I feel fantastic energy positive happy 😃 I know o have to find one just to take every few months but not decided yet as I have scan 23rd to check lining uterus and then go from there that why I am interested in natural one , the utrogestan was natural mimic body but I was awful in this x
HayleyW75 Guest
lori93950 Guest
I’m in week 2 of progesterone pill and estradiol cream ... not noticed much improvement however can I ask how do you know you’re intolerant of the progesterone ?
I’m sick of going to drs just feel like stopping it all and let my hormones adjust naturally . It’s all such a guessing game
AJacynM Guest
Oh dear!
That's the exact progesterone they've just given me... utrogestran! 😬
I've tried norethisterone and levonorgestrel already... I haven't taken the utrogestran yet as I've just tatted on a new regime this week so hot 2 weeks weeks of oestrogen only (patches) first...
Wish me luck!! 🙏🏻🤞🏻😖
Hope you get sorted soon... keep me posted?
AJ. x
'Started' that should read... I've not had a tattoo!!
Predictive text hates me... 🙄
AJacynM HayleyW75
... and your private doc recommended Biovea cream?
It's good to know there are alternatives!!
What a mine field it all is!! 😫
Thank you and hope you feel great again soon.
AJ. x
HayleyW75 AJacynM
Guest AJacynM
Guest lori93950
mrs_susan74280 HayleyW75
Guest mrs_susan74280
AJacynM HayleyW75
Hope it works out well for you. 😊
AJ. xx
AJacynM Guest
Thank you, hope all works out for you too. 😊xx
HayleyW75 AJacynM
Thank you 😊 xx
Guest Guest
I'm currently using progesterall, it's a natural progesterone. Got it on line. But here in the states we can also get natural progesterone cream at the pharmacy.
Guest Guest
Well I always read that you only need progesterone to protect the lining of your uterus. But it seems like your body would still need it even if you've had a hysterectomy. Because if you still have your ovaries and they are still producing estrogen, wouldn't you become estrogen dominant without any progesterone? And estrogen dominance can cause all kinds of nasty things. I'll never understand it. Seems like you would need both.
Guest Guest
lori93950 Guest
Wondered how the testerone is working for you and what it actually does?
I took it years ago and it bloated me up so I stopped. I’m on the HRT patch right now but I’ll take anything to feel normal again . Glad you’re feeling well!