Natural Remedies for Allergies
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Can anyone recommend any natural remedies for sinuses? I've been drinking alot of tea with honey lately which has helped somewhat, but I wanted to know if there was anything else I could do ritually to relieve sinuses. Thank you!
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mrsmop m38732
You only need a couple of crystals, pour boiling water over them - in a jug or bowl and inhale. You can cover your head with a towel while you do it but I find them too strong if I cover my head.
Or, you could use an Olbas inhaler, which you can buy from any Pharmacy
m38732 mrsmop
mrsmop m38732
If you are having problems with pollen, then you might do better with an antihistamine tablet but if you want a 'natural' one, I don't know of any but the ones you can buy from a Pharmacy, are Clarityn, amongst others.
This page tells you about them and lists some of them
Antihistamines will deal with runny noses and sneezing etc.. Inhalers are good for sinus relief, such as the problems you get with a cold.
Hope this helps you
Guest m38732
- Netty pot: Which comes in a variety of ways of nasal showers, my favourite is sea water in a can. They do actually help by washing away the allergen from your sinuses.
- Nasal light (A funny red light that makes you look like Rudolph the render, hey I have one), it is sold in major chemist in the UK like Boots, actually it is known that relieves inflammation of your nose, nobody knows why.
- Prevalin spray is just a sort of foam that protects your lining form the allergen, it works and it has no medication in it
- And finally if you have hay fever, Grazax is the culmination of natural remedies, IMMUNOTHERAPY, I am afraid it is expensive but it works by giving you the stuff what you are allergic to until your body gets used to it. It is the best you can do for an allergy. There is nothing more natural than this but it is almost impossible to get it in the UK unless you go private
Next year should come one version for dust mites (mitizax). Some people is cured by this treatment, most improve a lot.
Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the links as users can search Google for the terms.