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has anyone used "Seabands" for nausea? They are the acupressure bands that you get from the chemist for travel sickness etc.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes and they worked for sickness tablets also helped.  I have taken them off now; wore them for about 3 weeks so see how I go.  Worth a try I would say.XXX
  • Posted

    Hi  I had vertigo real bad with vomitting even.  I was using Gravol for travel nausea but because I was throwing up the emergency doc at the hospital prescribed me with tongue tabs that dissolved right away.  Just thought I would pass that on.  xxoo
  • Posted

    Hi is your nausea from peri/menopausal? I have been feeling terribly nauseus in the mornings in particular (exactly like morning sickness) but I am definately not pregant. I am 40yrs old and have many of the symptoms listed in the post 66 symptoms of peri but the dr's just tell me my hormone levels are 'normal' and have said I need the coil fitted to help my worsening monthly bleeding and pains.
    • Posted

      Hi Becky, yes my nausea is due to perimenopause, it's horrible, I too have been told my levels are normal although my doc does acknowledge its probably peri. Do you have any anti nausea tablets? Ask your doc for some, they do help a bit. I am 48 now but started having probs quite a few years ago, it sounds like you are peri and let's face it us women know our bodies. Take care.
    • Posted

      Thanks Ruth I'm seeing Dr again on Wednesday & going to ask for anti nausea tablets.

      I had a breast scare 3 years ago & the consultant told me then I was peri but the gp's just don't want to admit it. One gp told me these symptoms could go on for 10years!

      If you know you're not alone & not going mad that's half the battle!!! Thanks xxx

    • Posted

      Ask for Metoclopramide, I have these and they are ok, don't get Cyclizine these make you sooooo sleepy. Take care.

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