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Hello again. Still battling with horrible nausea in the mornings and hard to funation . Despite herbal tea first thing and quitting dairy it's still there - it's horrible , reminds me of early pregnancy with sore boobs aswell, hysterectomy so no chance of that. Anyone else ? X
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Sochima822 Fairy28
Okay, if you don't have IBS, you need to start eating foods with fiber. Like bran flakes, Shredded wheat or unprocessed wheat bran husk or psyllium husk. This will calm the nausea. Try it with almond milk if you can't tolerate regular milk.
sophie76397 Fairy28
I suffered with nausea for about 4 months - it wa horrible - in the end got some anti sickness pills from doctor and took them as and when I needed them at bedtime - eventually the nausea disappeared like a click of a switch - very occasionally get it but nothing to bother me - so what I'm saying is, it will go - ginger is very good - good luck
Fairy28 sophie76397
metamorphed Fairy28
hi lou. I cut out gluten as well as dairy last month to try and stop regular sicky feelings. Tried the dairy first, but that didnt really do much, so then the gluten went, and I have to say there is a big difference. Will do it for another while and then introduce foods slowly and see if it returns. Might be worth a go, it is not as tough as you might think because there are loads of gluten free/dairy free alternatives out there, and we'll try anything to try and feel well, right?
Fairy28 metamorphed
Thanks yes that's what im doing but havnt been abLe to eat at all today.
metamorphed Fairy28
i know, it's awful. What I do when I just can't eat is to chew a vitamin C tablet, mine are strawberry flavour and sharp taste, so this I can take. I think it helps especially when your mouth is bone dry also.
Fairy28 metamorphed
Yes ive had a vit c fizzy supplement but nothing else - don't know why I feel so horribly sick - it's bad.
metamorphed Fairy28
lou, are you using anything to replace milk, such as coconut milk for example? I found that using too much of this made me horribly nauseated. I know you haven't eaten today, but a few days ago maybe?
Fairy28 metamorphed
No I havnt had anything out of the norm that I can think of. 5.30am still feel the same, actually feel similar to being pregnant - dont know what's going on starting to worry now.
gypsyjens Fairy28
Good morning Lou. I too wake each morning nauseated. Could be my acid reflux or drainage from my stuffy nose or from continual waves of sweating. I dont have a solution. I just push through it with tears and sometimes anxiety. Mornings are tough and dreaded. You're not alone.
Fairy28 gypsyjens
loriho10 Fairy28
I am battling horrible nausea. Definitely feels like pregnancy...maybe even worse. I'm light headed and and forcing myself to go. This has been going on since Saturday morning, but usually comes and goes less often. Seeing my gyno in the morning.
Fairy28 loriho10
Definatley worse than pregnancy for sure, I dont know what's going on .
2chr2015 Fairy28
What is causing the nausea as it relates to peri. I've experienced it lately as well!! All these crazy symptoms. ((Hugs))
Fairy28 2chr2015
I know, it's horrible. Ive felt sick all day long and Havnt been able to eat I feel horrid .
2chr2015 Fairy28
I couldn't eat last Tuesday and ended up in the ER dehydrated
Fairy28 2chr2015
Oh my gosh how awful - people just don't realise how nasty this dam meno can be. Hope you feel better now.
2chr2015 Fairy28
Fairy28 2chr2015
That's horrific . Were the hospital well informed about meno symptoms and did they reassure you ? you must have been scared, i would have been .
2chr2015 Fairy28
Fairy28 Misstidy
Can this cause really sore boobs aswell ? Still feel so sick and can't eat - also can't bend over or kneel down boobs are agony - worried.
Acejohnston Fairy28
I've been dealing with the nausea on and off for a few years. I've also had dry wretching with it and vomiting very similar to morning sickness. I also had the breast tenderness too and bone pain and headaches. My GP and endocrinologist told me recently it's due to low progesterone and fluctuating estrogen levels. I also had a cyst on my ovary which made my symptoms a lot worse. I had 4 hospital stays too. I tried lots of meds but nothing helped and tried ginger tea and peppermint which helped a little. I found high strength b complex and b6 really helped and acupressure bands and acupuncture too. Also herbs for the liver can help too. I took 5 drops twice a day for a number of months and it helped too. I can't take hormone meds as they don't agree with me. also if you have any ovarian pain get it checked out in case it's a cyst on your ovaries as they can cause those symptoms too. My mother in law had the nausea really bad too on and off for a few years which got worse the closer she got to menopause. It eventually went when her hormones settled. Also in relation to fibre be careful and ensure to drink more water if you add extra fibre to your diet. I was taking psyllium husk and flaxseed and ended up in hospital for 5 days in May with a partial bowel obstruction. I hope you feel better soon. It will pass. Take care
Sochima822 Acejohnston
Fairy28 Acejohnston
Oh god how awful for you you poor thing. I have no ovaries or womb, everything's gone and I do t take HRT. I check out the accuupuncture points thank you also considering ringing my consultants secretary even though it was three years ago im hoping he might see me - scared .
Acejohnston Sochima822
Thanks so much. I feel better than I did in May but still getting hormonal symptoms but thankfully no vomiting or blockages. I actually started the psyllium as I developed bad diarrhea after my gallbladder was removed in December 2014 and it worked wonders for me. I was taking 1 teaspoon twice a day. I think when I added the ground flax seeds it compounded things and caused the partial blockage. I've stopped the psyllium now and still take the flax seed as I now have constipation a lot! Recent blood tests confirmed fsh of 35 and lh of 29.7 and progesterone of 2.2 and estrogen 176 so my endocrinologist thinks I'm transitioning into menopause so am hoping all these symptoms will come to an end soon. I will get the flaxseeds as you suggested in my health store and hopefully that will help. Thanks again X
Acejohnston Fairy28
Try not to be scared although I don't blame you at all. To be honest I nearly lost my mind with the nausea and vomiting and became so anxious because of it and my doctors at the time thought it was a side effect of having my gallbladder removed. It's only recently after having lots of blood and saliva tests have they said its all due to hormones! I would give the secretary a ring for your own peace of mind. Have you had your hormone levels checked recently? Big hugs xx
Sochima822 Acejohnston
Sounds like you've been through a lot there with having your gallbladder removed.
The psyllium works better than the flax seeds for constipation. Maybe don't eat the flax seeds just drink the water after you've boiled it to a slightly sticky consistency. Then put it in the fridge and drink it in the morning. It will calm your symptoms but it won't help with constipation. However, if you decide to do that with the flax seeds then you can have psyllium.
I've also read that chia seeds help with menopausal symptoms. I love chia seed drinks. You might enjoy that better as I'm sure there are lots of recipes on yt. I've had it as a juice in restaurants and it did seem to calm some of the symptoms. Okay, well I hope you get some relief with your constipation. Take care, x
Acejohnston Sochima822
Thanks so much for all your great advise. I actually have ground chia seeds too but haven't tried them yet but will now and see if they help. I'll get the flaxseeds tomorrow and drink the water as you suggested. Thanks again. I hope your doing ok too. Take care xx
Fairy28 Acejohnston
I had a blood test around a month ago to check thyroid levels as im on thyroxine . Also did a liver, kidney etc test - results came back ' as expected' they didn't tell me anything else. It's almost like im too scared to ask anything in my GP practice as my doctor just swivels in his chair frowning saying mmmmmmm . Waste of time.
2chr2015 Misstidy
Acejohnston Fairy28
I know exactly what you mean. I've been attending an endocrinologist for 8 years. I was on steroids for 3 years prior to that and began having horrendous hormone symptoms and he suspected Addison's disease. It wasn't that but he told me I had low dhea levels from the steroids. I was on and off the dhea for years but it didn't help and I now believe it was because that's when perimenopause started. I recently found out he never checked my estrogen progesterone or testosterone in the 8 years I attended him! I also saw 2 gynaecologists because of the cyst on my ovary and even though I had scans every 10 weeks for over a year they never did any hormone blood tests! It's only when I started researching it myself did I realise it could be peri and had saliva tests done in a private
Clinic and they said my hormones were very low and suspected I was near menopause. I went to my doctor then with the results and she did blood tests then which confirmed I'm near menopause. I sent my endocrinologist an email with the results and a list of questions. It's terrible doctors don't recognise these symptoms although I know some doctors do but they seem to few and far between. i hope this passes for you soon. Big hugs xx
2chr2015 Acejohnston
Sochima822 2chr2015
It has to be in the medical training they receive. Probably very limited. Where here it's common for a doctor to tell you it could be a symptom of perimenopause when you reach 35. They even have jokes about it. It makes me think women don't get the attention they deserve probably because there's no money in it for the pharmaceutical companies.
2chr2015 Sochima822
Sochima822 2chr2015
I don't understand. Is there only one type of insurance?
loriho10 Sochima822
I saw my gyno this morning and she says my nausea is in no way part of peri menopause. Still says I'm not there yet. I just had my 51st bday. She's sending me to a gastroenterologist because she suspects gall bladder issues. I told her about the discussions here and she again said it would not be nausea. What???!
2chr2015 Sochima822
Ok well my insurance won't cover it. A lot if insurances won't cover saliva tests, hair analysis, compounding pharmacies for bioidentical hormones, etc
2chr2015 loriho10
It can be related to gall bladder, but gall bladder problems happen in meno due to hormone fluctuations. At least that's what I found in my research. So yea it could be gb, secondary to meno. I don't think all docs put this together.
Sochima822 loriho10
Oh no. May I ask what country are you in? You're in perimenopause I suspect. Do you have severe stomach pain after you eat or is there any vomiting? What other symptoms do you have?
Sochima822 2chr2015
That's funny, I don't think any insurance would cover that. They're not into homeopathic coverage
metamorphed 2chr2015
do they put anything together we ask? I get nausea on and off, and I've been tested for all stomach issues including gall bladder and everything is fine. But I still get nausea around period time which I never had before perimenopause. Don't women suffer nausea when pregnant when hormones are changing, why not in peri, hormones are changing too, why do they say it's not possible?
Sochima822 metamorphed
Hi Metamorphed, Maybe because they're inexperienced with such symptoms and with the whole concept of perimenopause as they are not properly trained for it. But your call that hormones levels change while in different stages of perimenopause is right on point.
Fairy28 loriho10
Fairy28 loriho10
Acejohnston 2chr2015
You are so right! They don't investigate further and just take out a prescription pad. I have no doubt my gallstone was caused by fluctuating hormones and my ovarian cysts too. I asked my surgeon on the operating table what caused gallbladder problems and he told me high estrogen levels and fluctuating hormones and he told me about the 5 f's as they call it! Female, fertile, forty, fair and fat! I'm not fair and am extremely thin but I am the other 3. What saddens me the most is that I was having all the other symptoms irregular periods, flushes, nightsweats insomnia, cyclical nausea headaches and joint pain and the pain in my gallbladder would coincide with my cycle too. Sadly my symptoms got much worse after the operation and my gallbladder was perfectly healthy. I just wish doctors would treat the cause and not the symptom. I spoke to a woman yesterday whose in her 60's. She was never sick in her life and all of a sudden in her mid 40's developed severe anxiety. She was put on meds that didn't help and she got worse and was in hospital 6 times and even had ect which didn't work either. She told me she believes it was her hormones all along and no one tested her hormone levels ever! She's ok now and med free but I just felt so upset for her. It's just awful. But thankfully we have forums like this now and we realise we are not alone and so many woman suffer these horrible symptoms. Take care xxx
metamorphed Fairy28
hi lou
I have just watched a very interesting piece on nausea and its causes in menopause, it's on a health website. It explains how to deal with it. Loads of interesting stuff on this website, delighted I found it. If you want the name, let me know and I will send it by message.
2chr2015 metamorphed
Makes sense to me...I could have sworn I was pregnant this week. Nausea and no period...oh and fainted from dehydration probably bc I couldn't eat or drink for 24 hours
2chr2015 metamorphed
metamorphed 2chr2015
i know. when this happens to me I can't even drink water, it tastes so awful. What are we supposed to do? Not a lot it seems!
metamorphed 2chr2015
i'll send it now. Loads of stuff on this website. All short videos. This link I'm sending, just scroll down to the heading on Sleepness night and nausea is included there. I am watching them all, this lady is great.
Fairy28 metamorphed
Acejohnston metamorphed
Acejohnston Fairy28
Fairy28 Acejohnston
No im not - I feel terrible actually, thanks for asking. Im really worried actually and feel really anxious. Still feel very sick and have right side Breast pain - don't know what to do or think x
Acejohnston Fairy28
Oh no Lou. This is awful. I know it's no consolation but I know how your feeling and what your going through. It's absolutely horrendous and the effect it has on your whole physical and psychological well being is awful. It will pass. I thought it would never end but it's much better. I still get it at times but not as bad and no vomiting and I am functioning a lot better. I think the others are right in saying there are different stages to this nightmare. I have some new symptoms but can manage them so far. For your own peace of mind if it continues get it checked and demand they check all your hormone levels so you can find out what's going on. Thinking of you. Big hugs xxx
Fairy28 Acejohnston
Thank you and im so glad you are coping but sad you've suffered too. Im scared and nervous of seeing my doctor. I don't know what to think anymore, I feel worse than ever - nothing to eat again today. I feel like I'm dying , everything hurts my heads swimming , the constant nausea , severe fatigue, Breast pain - it hurts to move. Just washed my hair over the bath with the shower spray and was so dizzy and sick almost fell over. Can't go on like this xx