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I need some advice as I'm getting so anxious . I keep waking up in the night thinking I'm going to be sick , it's almost like I can't swallow . This sets off my anxiety causing me to shake . What is wrong with me ? I am currently having a period so surely my hormones should be more settled . Last week it was a terrible migraine now it's this stomach thing , am I ever going to be symptom free ? I want to look forward to Christmas , but how can I when I'm like this ? I just feel like I want to cry . Last year I lost my mum then in August this year my little dog died . It would have been my dogs birthday next Sunday and I miss her so much . I am 49 . Any thoughts please as I feel like I am a hypochondriac . I do have a lot of catarrh in my throat and my ears play up now and again .

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like peri menopause this means your hormones are shutting down but your still having periods.

    All the above you mention is hormone imbalances and they aren't nice but all part of of it. Some weeks you feel fine others you'll feel horrible. Try not to worry it's supposed to be a 'natural' process.

    Try taking some natural supplements but don't let your anxiety get out of control

  • Posted

    Dear Jane

    Sorry about loosing your mum and dog, bereavement itself is really hard, let alone going through menopause! I suffered with nausea especially in mornings, at night obviously lying down the reflux can come up and this causes the nausea, I have a small hiatas hernia so I have the top of the bed raised abit. Try not to eat or drink anything near bedtime. I got gastitis in peri (symptoms nausea lack of appetite and weight loss) I did get this checked though as these can be symptoms of something more serious!

    It was an awful time for me as I wondered what was wrong with me. The nausea was awful it made me think something really bad was wrong with me. Caffeine and fatty foods wont help, it does pass!

    I occasionally get it abit now but the gastitis was horrible and I had over Christmas I remember!! xx

  • Posted

    Also ear and migraine problems are symptoms of peri, I didn't get migraines but just the auras x

    • Posted

      This past year and a half has been so tough for me and all these health came out of nowhere . I had started migraines a few years ago and these have been steadily getting worse . I know these are hormonal as the bad ones are always the week before or around when my period is on . I just don't feel like me anymore . Sometimes I feel like everything around me is different . Does that sound odd ? As I'm typing this I had an almighty heat surge through my body , no sweating but intense heat and nausea and sometimes a chill after . Is this a hot flush ?

    • Posted

      Dear Jane yes it does sound like a hot flush, I would have a surge of nausea with them at times and I also remember feeling really cold! The nausea itaelf might just be the added reflux etc and nothing more but if symptoms get worse I would get it checked incase it is gastitis. I think in my case I got it because of my hernia. If you get increased heartburn and discomfort in your upper middle and to left abit and you really go off your food it could be gastits. I had an endoscopy to confirm it, the doctor just wanted me to have ppi tablets which reduce stomach acid (the treatment for this type of thing) but I also wanted it confirmed by an endoscopy. X
  • Posted

    I know what you mean by not feeling yourself, peri /meno affects your mind too. I had increased anxiety and panic attacks, my head would suddenly make me think about panicking and I would, the anxiety has been horrible but I take multi vits with magnesium and it has calmed me down! I think I was magnesium deficient as anxiety and muscle aches and spasms are a sign and I had them. The health anxiety was bad. I was feeling my body for every lump and bump and thought I had everything going. Apparently health anxiety is normal in peri and it came out of nowhere, just remember you are not alone in feeling like you do. It really didn't help me getting gastitis as nausea and lack of appetite made me really think something was wrong!

  • Posted

    I know what you mean by not feeling yourself, peri /meno affects your mind too. I had increased anxiety and panic attacks, my head would suddenly make me think about panicking and I would, the anxiety has been horrible but I take multi vits with magnesium and it has calmed me down! I think I was magnesium deficient as anxiety and muscle aches and spasms are a sign and I had them. The health anxiety was bad. I was feeling my body for every lump and bump and thought I had everything going. Apparently health anxiety is normal in peri and it came out of nowhere, just remember you are not alone in feeling like you do. It really didn't help me getting gastitis as nausea and lack of appetite made me really think something was wrong!

  • Posted

    Makes me feel so much better reading that everyone has the same crap going on as me! And I am so sorry that you all do!

    It's all normal but God does it suck!

    I have horrible nausea at night. Especially if I eat tomato based, cream based, wine etc....

    Literally have to keep sitting up on the side of the bed with it.

  • Posted

    jane, try ginger tea, not too hot, it works wonders.  it'll help the catarrh and stuffed ears too.  try it an hour before bed.  hope this helps.

  • Posted

    The nausea part of this hysterical ride is a recent one for me and although I haven't had it so much at night I have had days where I am in the middle of a meal and I am mortified to feel like I'm going to immediately be sick everywhere. I get hot, bizarrely nauseous, feel like I'm removed from my surroundings (stress, likely), trembling and, like you mentioned, shakey. It's terrible. Add to that the fact that this happens at work in the middle of the day when I am surrounded by people I don't want to share this with?? UGH! 

    You're 100% not a hypochondriac. This malarkey is really happening 😕

    • Posted

      Anxiety and nausea are my main problems . I have just finished a period and yet I still have the symptoms , this gets me worrying again . I went back to the doctor , but she basically me there was nothing she could do and it was just my age . Big help ! I still keep thinking that there's got to be something more to this and the feeling so ill with hardly any let up . Is it all in my mind ? I don't know I'm trying to find answers and hope I'm not dying . I keep thinking it must be cancer , but the doctor isn't concerned . I've had lots of different tests in the past year

    • Posted

      i really sympathise with you on this.  the anxiety you are feeling is a combination of the worry of feeling so odd all the time and the dropping horrible hormones.  When i first started this, the out of character anxiety was building slowly over the years, (not hugely noticeable) until I hit the really bad phase with symptom after symptom. I got really fed up with doctors telling me it was ALL anxiety and that there was nothing showing on results.  As someone else said, just finding a more sympathetic doctor makes a HUGE difference.  Someone who sits there and says that you have no need to worry about serious illnesses, someone that will actually give you something to control the symptoms you are worried about..   A lot of the anxiety you have is coming from your stomach upset also, so get someone to sort that for you.  It does get much better over time, unfortunately when you're in it, it doesn't feel like that, so you need help to cope.  hope this helps.

  • Posted


    First, take a deep breath and tell yourself " I am not dying, I'm going through peri menopause and everyone is having the same symptoms as me. I'm ok"

    Now, find a different dr.

    Your Dr should always take you serious and try to make you feel better. Have they sent you to a gastro dr? Sounds like you need to be seen by one to find out what's going on.

    Girl, believe me when I say, we have all been scared and thought we were dying.

    Please get a dr to help you?

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