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Does any of you lovely ladies feel nauseous after eating even the smallest of meals. I’ve had this for years but just lately gone worse. I’ve just been out to a lovely garden centrer for lunch and had a small cheese and tomatoes toasted sandwich with a little salad but straight after I felt terribly sick and had to get out, it really spoilt our day out. It’s about an hour later and I’m just about getting over it . I also feel shattered and could just fall asleep. I dread going out for food.
How long do we have to feel like this it’s been six years for me xx
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maddysmom2015 anxiousface
Do you think it could just be something very simple like a lactose/dairy intolerance? I had all sorts of weird, and admittedly enraging, food allergies and intolerances come up in peri. For me, in peri, my guts just said "we're not doing what you want anymore. We're working our own agenda."
But once I figured it out, life got back to normal. And I got to be smug jerk and say "I'm off dairy." Like that makes me a better person.
I would start with the two main suspects: milk (in all its forms) and then gluten (in all its forms). Try one first, just for a few days to eliminate as a possibility, then the other. See if you feel better. This food issue sounds like it is really compromising your quality of life. We need to fix it!
anxiousface maddysmom2015
maddysmom2015 anxiousface
Cutting down to cut out sounds like a great plan. It is desperately hard to cut out flour and milk. But the quality of my life improved so much when I did, I would never add them back now--even if I could.
I'm in the US. It's easy-ish to be Paleo here. But I know what you mean about eating a narrow spectrum of foods. Me too! And I agree with you about soya. Half a glass of soy milk and my breasts are in agonizing pain. It has a powerful estrogen effect on me.
Can you get coconut milk or rice milk? I think the last time I was in the UK I bought rice milk at Safeway. Both are very good. Even if I could have cow's milk, I would choose coconut milk.
There's coconut milk ice cream that is amazing. And there's great fiber in coconut milk as well.
There are decent margarine replacements in the US for those of us off dairy. I'm sure they have something similar in the UK. Is there a 'hippie' section at your local Safeway? That's where I find the coconut milk and the non dairy margarine here.
When I am dying for something sweet, I get a can of pie filling. (Dont tell anyone in my Paleo chat group!) It's the crust that's the problem after all! Without flour, I added potatoes and sweet potatoes to make sure I got satisfying carbs. The fiber and the nutrients in the vegetables were definitely an upgrade from bread.
We're here with you! You have been suffering with this problem for a long time. And we're proud of you for trying to figure it out! Love! XX
anxiousface maddysmom2015
I promise i wont tell anyone about your secret pie filling.
Speak soon x
caroline62395 anxiousface
I’ve stopoed eating both gluten and dairy since perimenopause I just can’t tolerate them anymore, I was having terrible nausea but calmed down now. I used to be able to eat anything but not anymore. Also tomatoes give me acid indigestion so your meal was my worst nightmare 😱
anxiousface caroline62395
Hi Caroline, I’ll really try and eliminate the dairy and gluten and yes maybe the tomatoes was a bad choice. Thanks so much for your help I do appreciate it. What do without this forum. We can just ask anything at anytime and someone will kindly come back to us 🤗x
sideways67 anxiousface
metamorphed anxiousface
i cant eat tomatoes since I started this. in fact, there's loads of foods that I can no longer have. worst luck! I actually dread eating out because unless I make it myself, I always feel ill afterwards, it's not anxiety it is genuinely the foods that i seem to developed intolerance to such a pain. there is a connection to high histamine foods and menopause that you should look up. Tomatoes are one big culprit have a look at it it might help you with this