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I started nausea 8 months ago and was assessed to have my gall bladder removed in January.
I still suffer with constant nausea and diahoreah - I recently had all the tests - blood;sugar;scopes etc etc all normal - I started drinking the product ensure to try to eliminate food that I may have an intolerance to after the gall bladder removal.i am not sure if the ensure is halping or making things worse!!! Waking up with nausea every day is causing me to be depressed which of course does not help matters.
Which probiotic should I try or natural remedies - also waking up all throughout the night to urinate - so am exhausted by the morning.
I would appreciate any comments on people that suffered the same and found a remedy
Many thanks
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EdEire marilyn45387
marilyn45387 EdEire
Yes I started the nausea in September and eventually went for an ultrasound and they found a huge gall stone which could not be removed and had to remove the entire gall bladder.
The condition is the same if not worse....
EdEire marilyn45387
mary19068 marilyn45387
The Nocturia, constant night time urination, may be caused by an overactive bladder or you may have a UTI Urinary Tract Infection which may be causing the nausea. The medication Ensure may be causing the frequent nightly urination and nausea, check the Information Leaflet that came with the med for side effects which may include frequent urination and nausea. If the symptoms are not med side effects you need to see a Urologist to be tested for any bladder problems where you may have a cystoscopy examination. As for probiotics there are many on the market and all do basically the same thing put good gut flora back in your stomach. So take your pick. I would go check the Info Leafle, if the side effects are not related to your symptoms go back to your doctor and request a urine test. If the test is normal and you are still getting Nocturia (frequent nightime urination) ask your doctor to refer you to a Urologist....
marilyn45387 mary19068
I have been in hospital to undergo several tests - bloods, scopes (both) cat scan ;xrays, urine samples, only to leave with a script for IBS, then the urologist called me 4 days later with results that there is nothing Gp sent me hoping to find out the cause.
The nausea starts as I get out of bed... I will check the ensure and perhaps try making a ginger tea to sip on all day - the only other thing is maybe anxiety and depresseion from feeling sick for so long its like a vicious circle ....Many thanks for your reply xx