Nausea and Insomnia!
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Oh I hate perimenopause. I slept a whole 2 hours to wake at 2am so nauseous and sick to my stomach. A horrible odor filled the room that I couldn’t identify although I glanced at my husband with suspicion. It felt like I was pregnant again but I know that is not possible as I am almost 49!
I was quietly suffering without waking anyone up to keep me company. I decided to use a bit of air freshener to cover the smell in my bedroom. I hadn’t turned on the lights at this point … so I accidentally sprayed my face and eyes with air freshener. I stumbled into the bathroom to wash my now burning eyes and switched on all the lights. I could not fall back asleep after this! I googled my way through my lonely night for the next 2 hours avoiding any bad news or rare diseases that may explain my condition.
I opened all the windows and turned on two fans. I eyed my husband with little love in my heart as he slept blissfully through all of this. I fell asleep for only an hour around 4am only to wake even sicker. And what was that horrible smell?
Finally, I was leaning over my husband sniffing his arms and face. He opened his eyes which were filled with glowing hope …. hopeful that I had woken in up in the “mood”. The look faded as I quizzed him about what he ate before he came to bed. He admitted nothing….. and fell back asleep during my interrogation. All lights on in the room, computer glowing, windows open and fans blowing. How can he sleep?! It isn’t fair.
I ate dry crackers and sipped juice in bed knowing full well no baby was due in a few months. I can’t stand the nausea! It happened once before for a few days and when it passed I thought it would never come again. Here I am nauseous and now can’t sleep and with air freshener in my hair. I want to scream out in the night but it will wake my boys sleeping peacefully down the hall and my husband may really think I am in the “mood” this time.
Finally, the sun rose and I had survived the night with the nausea improving. I dozed off after sunrise to be soon awoken by my sons jesting and laughing about their dad "nuking" the bathroom. I had questions. The answer was my husband’s late night snack of a sandwich garnished with raw onions.
But why am I so nauseous? And why does everything smell so bad? Is this normal? And will my husband ever smell good to me again?
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anetta94863 rachel13481
anetta94863 rachel13481
mary27278 rachel13481
Lol.Lol...Lol Rachel i really needed that laugh today. Perimenopause is definitely no fun at all. I have the smell thing going on too. At first i had no smell and now every smell is so sensitive to me. I was in church today and I couldn't enjoy service because my daughter's smell was getting to me so bad. I hate the smell of any cologne or perfume. I was also sitting there eating crackers..
I was experiencing the nausea at one time every day and all day. It has decreased alot whereas now it comes and go.
Well at least you don't mind your husband being next to you, it's like I can't stand mine being near me.
I had to read your post again just to laugh again.
I hope our smell senses gets back to normal real soon.
I hope our smell sense return back to normal.
Guest rachel13481
Thanks for the great description, I needed the laugh today
gailannie rachel13481
LOL Yep this is all so much fun.
Now to answer your question, here's a thought. Estrogen will cause that nauseated feeling. Some women have it when they go on replacement therapy. I even had it once with a vivelle patch. So your age puts you right at the perfect age where your ovulation is slowing done, and progesterone production declines. There can become an imbalance between those too hormones. Too much estrogen, not enough progesterone to balance it.
So that's my guess. Your progesterone is declining, but your estrogen is causing you fits! Hang in there girl.
Sochima822 rachel13481
When feeling nauseous you can try peppermint or ginger tea. Even eating peppermint candy took my nauseous feeling away.
As for the sensitive nose try not to pay any attention to it or it will drive you nuts if you do, especially since you know you're not pregnant. I talked my way out of most symptoms. I'm sure you can too. Good luck.
jane47249 rachel13481
jane47249 rachel13481
rachel13481 jane47249
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for the suggestions. I wanted to followup and let others reading this know that the teas really helped. Anytime I felt nauseous, I had ginger, peppermint, or camomile tea and a few crackers. It helped tremendously! The nausea has calmed down too.
I also want to mention that exactly 2 weeks after this rough night, I started a light period after many months of almost no periods. I must of had a rogue ovulation! But that egg said no thanks please don't fertilize me.
Thank you everyone for your replies! I didn't know that nausea was a symptom of menopause.... I have the teas on my shopping list and will try them this week.
2chr2015 rachel13481
Hey Rachel! Thanks for that. We can all use a good laugh with this. My husband smells funny to me too. I just spray his sheets down after he goes to work lol.
I don't know why, but honey usually helps my nausea. Sometime I let it dissolve under my tongue. Hope you have a better night tonight!