Nausea and stomach gurgling

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Does Low progesterone cause this? I am on day 8 of my cycle and still spotting, but also I feel nauseated/ no appetite and my stomach gurgles whenever I eat something....and of course the anxiety that seems to follow me wherever I go😒

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi 2chr2015,

    I can relate to the stomach gurgling when you eat. That started happening to me at the beginning of peri. Last month's period left me with tummy woes. I have gas, bloating, nervous stomach feeling. It's awful. Know that you are not alone.

  • Posted

    You know, I'm experiencing a lot of symptoms others are complaining of, gurgling included, that I never would have associated with meno. Not sure I'm actually going through it, though doctor said it was possible. My appetite hasn't changed but I do feel nauseated at times. Also a year or so ago I was suffering from really bad reflux and had an endoscopy but the results were fine. [cheesygrin]

    Had a couple of injections lately to shrink fibroids and was told it would put me in to a medical menopause (the symptoms I speak of have been going on a lot longer than that though) had a few hot flashes recently, well I say hot it was more of a warm feeling where chucking the bed clothes off was enough to make me feel better.

    I'm having a full hysterectomy soon and it would be brilliant if this was the extent of my symptoms; not going to happen though is it? [frown] [biggrin]

    It's one thing knowing all these things could be linked to the menopause but quite another just ignoring them as being that. I'm a bit of a worrier as it is so perish the thought of me getting worse, lol. Sorry, it's not funny but if I don't laugh.. [cry]

    Take care and hope you get some proper answers soon x

    • Posted

      Hi Esmay,

      I'm just curious, was the injection they gave you called Lupron or Depro? And did you have any weird side effects?

    • Posted

      Hi Sharcerv

      I don't know what it was, sorry. I meant to ask but I forgot, story of my life. rolleyes

      As for side-effects, the first time I felt a little light headed a couple of hours later but that's it, apart from my warm flashes, lol..

      Have you had something the same? Injection wise I mean.

    • Posted

      No I never had any injections only the pill or the patch.
    • Posted

      Oh I've just looked again and see it's also used as birth control.

      I already suffer from migraines and I see this could be a side effect but since they've gotten worse over the last year or so anyway I'm not sure if it's the injection or not.

      Sorry I'm yapping on but still can't answer your original question redfacelol

  • Posted

    I had stomach issues in peri, nausea and loss of appetite and had gastitis as an end result (had endoscopy to confirm it) It is very common to have these stomach issues in peri, caffeine and fat made the nausea worse
    • Posted

      Caffeine and fatty foods affect me the same way too. I've really cut back on caffeine, was sometimes drinking upwards of 8 cups of coffee a day eek and I love pastry, especially flaky pastry when it's wrapped round corned beef and potato razz

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