Nausea and weak after eating

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Does anyone feel nausea and crash fatigue after eating? Don't know if this is from the peri or from the gastritis stomach. Don't know which is worse, the gastritis or the perimenopause.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Ooh, I used yon have this terrible fatigue after eating but it stopped now. It was to the with peri I think. The way body deals with food changes. First time in my life I have horrendous gastritis. Goid luck!
    • Posted


      Do you still have gastritis? This gastritis came on when peri hit. It was the first major peri sympton.

    • Posted

      Yes, I just came from gp. She referred me to gastrointeralogist which will take 3months!!!!
    • Posted

      Will this be the first visit to the GI dr.? Yes, waiting to see a specialist sometimes could be such a long wait. I saw one back in March and did the endoscope and colonoscophy, which confirmed gastritis. I ve lost so much weight with this gastritis ..its a nightmare. I'm trying to maintain weight and increase some of it.

      Hope you can get in sooner..

  • Posted

    Yes really bad legs weak and stiff and shaky this morning right after eating, I thought it might be reactive hypoglycemia and bout a blood sugar machine but bloods say 101... I was tested a couple days ago and sugar said 60 so thought that was very low that was a blood test from the doctor, he also tested my thyroid antibodies and they're thru the roof at 1300 he says consistent with hashimotos, and a couple years ago antibodies for rheumatoid arthritis was over 400, I just don't even know what to do with myself and all these symptoms, and whether or not peri can contribute to all my new autoimmune diseases going on with me, I'm scared to take the meds, my anxiety and panic is sky high, I just don't know if I'm coming or going anymore. Well hope you get to the bottom of your symptoms soon good luck...

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