Nausea, bloating, loss appetite and acid reflux SORTED !
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hi i have been suffering this
nausea, bloating, burping , acid reflux and loss appetite. went to my GP and did tests; full blood count, stool test , x-ray, ultra sound and all come negative. the GP gave me omeprazole and h2 blocker, although the acid gone the nausea and bloating still was there and burping ans my god the burping is out of control , hungry or not burping . cut coffee and many acidic and spicy food no take aways, still nausea and burping.
in the new year the doctor suggested i might have gastritis and we must check inside the stomach but when the blood come negative they now say no need to check as the gastritis probably gone but my suffer was too big.
it become to a point i can eat and even if i eat i feel full. i thought i might have low stomach did a little home test 3 :times and no i have acid and quite good amount.
i was thinking i probably got something very rear then was reading in here how much people suffer from ppi , then i stopped it after 12 days use in the third day i had a little relive from nausea and loss appetite , but then acid reflux and burping was crazy again.
when to a nutricianist and told her what i have what i use. she gave me a digestive enzym to take before dinner, and a very strong probiotic which i was using a month ago anyway.
eat yesterday no burp , no acid reflux , no nausea and felt so comfortable had the best steak ever with mash potato and veg.
this morning again super good even cornflakes with skimmed milk and then had black tea ! wow normally i am bloated but its amazing .
digestive enzymes himmm is my pancreas not working then ? new year this is what i need to git checked , this is no coincidence ! it cuts the bloating and nausea and burping like a knife!!!
1 like, 4 replies
johnnyh192838 Tan1983
Have you had a Pancrease elastase test? That should conform if it is working breaking food down.
beverley66197 Tan1983
Good for you. You didn't give up. Lots of times, we just have to keep trying things when there is difficulty determining what's wrong. I don't know how old you are but as we age our systems change.
Panda2life Tan1983
this is me, exactly. after some research I bought some pancreatic enzymes and it changed my life. I went from having constant diarrhea, stomach pain, feeling full, nauseous, to no diarrhea, less fullness and still stomach pain but more manageable. at one point I had just stopped eating, the pain and discomfort was too much. all food was a trigger. I fasted constantly.. one to two tablets per meal and everything changed. the why is still unclear, but at least something helps. I'm glad you found something to help too.
Courtney1110 Panda2life
@Panda2life Where did you buy the pancreatic enzymes? I have been having all of those symptoms, and I have had abnormal blood work done that has shown elevation of my pancreatic enzymes. I'm thinking that might help me!