NAUSEA for 10 months!
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I have had nausea for 10 months now - on and off - sometimes for days - sometimes I wake up with it - sometimes I don't - but it just comes and goes - but it is almost everyday - have had test after test after test - everything comes back normal or negative! I don't know what happened but I know after a church function in Sept 2017 I ate there and that night I vomited twice - I never vomit.....and since then have had the nausea. My GI doc said something may have happened when I got sick and since then have had the nausea? Also my right side below rib hurts on and off - done that for years and sometimes on the left side. But I have had most every test to check this - I sit here now with nausea trying to work! Got my crackers with me - drinking ginger ale - but still it's with me - even have Zofran.....I am so tired of nausea almost everyday - I never really feel like doing anything anymore - I have to work - but I don't know if I will wake up with it or get it during the day - and chronic nausea is not fun to have - it really effects the quality of your life!
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Deeplotus debbie_68890
Did you have a gastric emptying study test done? Did you check your gall bladder function? Stool test for possible parasites?
And also remember, if you think about it everyday, your anxiety will create the nausea for you. If you tend to worry about it a lot, I can promise you majority of your nausea is being created from your mind. Trust me I know because I go through the same thing on a daily basis. Usually if you've done every test and they can't find anything, you really have to consider anxiety may be the main culprit.
haven't had the gastric emptying test - but yes on hida scan, gallbladder ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy, blood work - H pyloric - I don't know about the anxiety - because sometimes when I wake up it's already there for the day - sometimes just happens out of the blue. I am really tired of it! Do you have nausea most everyday? If so what do you do for yours?
Deeplotus debbie_68890
I'm currently trying to figure out what's wrong, I have a gastric empyting test schedule In a few months. My nausea has been everyday for the past 9 months. I do have health anxiety though, which is why I know my anxiety plays a big part in most of my nausea, if not all. For my nausea I take promethazine pills. Usually just half a pill when I need it and it usually takes care of the nausea for me enough for me to eat. I wake up with nausea, go to sleep with nausea, etc but if I have a good day the night before I won't wake up with nausea.
Just pay attention to how your body works sometimes. Like does the nausea get worse when you think about it? Are you googling your symptoms often? Do you think about it and worry and a lot? When your mind is distracted, do you find that you feel better??
I personally think mine is a real health issue, but I know how powerful our minds are. Now if you take absolutely every test you can and nothing shows up, you could always ask your doc for a ssri just to calm your mind a bit. If the ssri takes away your constant nausea, it really might be anxiety. Another anxiety sign is if you get a prescription nausea medication like zofran or Promethazine and your nausea persists, that's almost a 100% sign that your anxiety is making you feel sick. It's not the same for everyone, but just keep an eye out for stuff like that.
Try zofran, promethazine, strong mints like Altoids, mint tea, ginger tea or ginger candy, ginger ale, Sprite works for me too for done reason. Make sure you have something on your stomach even if you are nauseous because an empty stomach will make it worse!
ted43022 debbie_68890
Debbie I don't know if this will help you or not But I had this problem for about one year And I started hurting in my navel When I went to the doctor they told me I had navel hernia and they did an ultrasound on my gallbladder and said that it was ok ,they said that I should get my hernia repaired right away but when they was prepping me for surgery the Dr ask if I had been feeling well and I told him that I throw up a lot and he postponed my surgery and said that he thought that my gallbladder was bad and I told him that I had just had an ultrasound done on it 2 weeks earlier and was told that it was ok but he sent me straight to the hospital for a test where I had to drink this drink and they took an xrayand the Dr called me back that day and told me that my gallbladder was bad and needed to come out and that the throwing up was what caused my hernia so they took it out and and repaired my hernia and all was well after that,not sick any more praise God.
debbie_68890 Deeplotus
I have Zofran I take - but it causes constipation - so I try to back off as much as possible on that - have really taken a lot of it for 8 months. I don't know about the anxiety part - I take Ativan before bedtime - was prescribed doxepin - couldn't tell anything from that. I also have peppermints, ginger ale and also am trying ginger root now. I am so tired of it....
Deeplotus debbie_68890
Do you have any fears or anxiety at all about throwing up? I can definitely tell it is stressing you out. Feeling nausea constantly is very wearing on the mind!
I would recommend trying a probiotic, or even a daily yogurt to make sure your stomach bacteria is well balanced. Whatever you do, make sure you are as stressed free as possible. It might be hard, but you have to just have this mindset sometimes that the nausea will not over take you and ruin your day, ignoring it as best you can, even though I know it's hard.
If you feel any fullness when you eat, it could be gastroparesis, or honestly it can also be heartburn from silent reflux. I feel heartburn travel from my sternum to my left and right side near my ribs sometimes. You can try some Omeprazole, or a good ppi for a month to see if it works for you. But I'm in this with you. Struggling with nausea everyday is hard. I barely leave the house! Feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to because it can definitely make you miserable.
Deeplotus debbie_68890
Oh also! If you wake up with nausea, that's a good sign that that's acid reflux. Because the acid travels up your esophagus when you sleep, since you aren't swallowing when you sleep. It can make you really nauseous upon waking up. It can also be due to a hormonal imbalance, especially if you have bad pms and periods.
HumanBeing debbie_68890
pippa58442 debbie_68890
debbie_68890 pippa58442
pippa58442 debbie_68890
john332 debbie_68890
anita49406 john332
anita49406 debbie_68890
Hi Debbie it sound s a lot like me I hate throwing up i get terrible nausea and I m pretty sure it's anxiety related the more u think about feeling sick the more times it will happen try to relax and breath slowly hope it helps x
I don't know I just want the feeling bad everyday to stop - tired of the nausea - can't plan anything don't know how I will feel when I wake up - or during the day. I am working - but some days it's hard when you don't feel good you just don't feel good - just want to lay down with my heating pad.......I just don't understand the twinges I get in my sides - the hidascan was done this year a couple of months ago - it was ok - but they told me I had one back in 2007 also - because my side I don't know - but sometimes my left hurts also. Just doomed I guess to live like this.