Nausea for almost 2 months

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I've had nausea for almost the past two months it started out as a emergency room visit for a ruptured cyst then I don't have an infection and I went home. The next day I was vomiting and vomited for like 3 days straight wound up in the e.r for severe dehydration. They gave me ondancetron and told me it was gastorenteritis. After awhile I stopped taking ondancetron it seemed to make me feel worse. I got a cat scan that was clear and made sure it wasn't an ecotopic pregnancy. Fast forward to today they just reperscribed me ondancetron and I feel like they just gave up on me. I have lost 20 pounds, I have discomfort in my upper middle abdomin, every time I eat just a little I feel full. Sometimes it hurts to even drink water but I have white coat syndrome and try to avoid the iv bag. Has anyone or is anyone experiencing something similar I have no relief I am like this throughout the day!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi remygirl

    You need to ask your doc to refer you for an Ultrsound Scan or CT Scan to investigate what is going on in your wishes....

    • Posted

      I had a cat scan and 2 ultra sounds showed nothing and my doctor stopped talking to me sad, hopefully I can find a doctor who will help me

  • Posted

    I woke up one morning 2 months ago with a stomach ache and dull pains. Slowly it's gotten so I feel full from eating just a little. The past week I have nausea, belching, bloating more and more. I think it's gastroparesis or functional dyspepsia. My doctor has only upped my dose on Sertraline since I'm becoming more and more anxious. I was on a very low dose and it most likely stopped working. A visit to a GI doctor is a good next step I think. I'm sorry you have this. The nausea is awful. I'm miserable.

    • Posted

      They told me it was gastroenteritis to begin with but haven't done any other test to rule it out I'm on buspar and they want me to take zofran but I'm not a fan of mixing medicines with interactions. I am miserable too hopefully we find relief I notice if I wear sea bands (nausea brackets) I feel less nausea like I'm not going to puke my brains out. Good luck!

    • Posted

      I asked my doctor for a refferal to a GI and he hasn't replied to me, I think its time for a new doctor unfortunately.

    • Posted

      My daughter had to take PPI, Zolmitriptan on bad migraine days, Ondansetrone, Amitriptyline together and still didn't develope a serotonin syndrome as docs actually said was unlikely looking at all her doses. That's the feared interaction.

      It depends on the dosis if

      ondansetron together with buspar

      could risk a serotonine syndrome due to interaction, increasing effect.

      You need to ask the doc or pharmacist what the cut off dosis is please.

      My daughter got great relief by taking ondansetrone  (8mg sometimes 2x8m per day disintegrating under tongue daily for half a year since she suffered/s gastroparesis.

      Gastroparesis is no guessing game: it can be measured by a simple nuclear med test: gastric emptying study.

      Sometimes gastroparesis is short lived ('short' = months or a year or two) after some gastroenteritis, for us appendectomy made a huge difference,

      but sometimes it is a life long sentence and purely horrid (tube fed, iv fed if really getting bad)

      So as long as ondansetrone can do its bit to escape parenteral feeding, it's really great.

      Please ask about the dosis you get and if an interaction could be possible to get the benefit without the risk.

      Best of luck!

    • Posted

      I'm sorry. Keep trying to find answers. Be persistent. Know that you're not alone. I'm also looking into acupuncture, alternative medicine and testing for h.pylori. Keep me posted on how you're doing.


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