Nausea, upset stomach is it all part of menopause
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Hi, first post. Every so often I get IBS symtoms and feelings of nausea alog with slight dizziness. Are these part of the menopause symptoms? It's like my symptoms go round in circuits. At the moment when I go to wee, I don't get that feeling of relief lol then all these symptons go and I just have the odd sweat. I also suffer from fatigue on and off but I also have an under active thyroid, possible type 2 diabetes and lots of joint/muscle pain. My blood test has confirmed that I'm going through the menopause, doc said one of my hormones is 9 and the other is 30 but I'm not sure which one. I've not really had a period for nearly a year, had a bit of a one in June but nothing much. I'm 51 and also carrying around nearly 3 stone in extra weight that I can't shift for love nor money. Can't decide which sympton belongs to which health problem. Basically I think I'm due for the glue factory lol. Thanks for reading.
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supemack39 missust4
missust4 supemack39
Thank you, glad to be of assistance lol. You have to laugh, it's like come on, what other crap are you gonna throw at me! What can you do , you just have to plod on. My mum cheered me up (not) when she was telling me the doctor said the sweats never go and someone was telling her about a woman at 83 who still gets them so just think of all the fun that's still to come, take care x
anna73747 missust4
You poor thing! I don't know what to say as I am only 45 and still getting periods. I thought the joint and muscle pain was bad enough without all the other stuff you mentioned. I only joined this forum last night but today I am going to go buy some glucosamine, Epson salts for the bath, and have a walk in the sunshine. Let's see how that goes for me.
I'm pretty sure you still have some good days ahead 😋
missust4 anna73747
Thanks. I'd walk in the sun except
1. We live in England and don't get any.
2. I hate the flipping sun lol gives me headache.
To be honest I'm not too bad, it's just the stomach and the nausea at times, thankfully I'm on holiday from work at the moment but heyho, you just have to try and plod on. I've started taking the WellWoman vitamins with Star flower, they may work a bit who knows, I'll give anything a try lol. Take care. You know where to come for a chat x
anna73747 missust4
Let me know how you go with the vitamins. I'm in Australia so yeah, probably a bit more likely to get my daily dose of sunshine. I bought a supplement that is MSM and glucosamine so let's see how that goes. Good luck x
anna73747 missust4
mauiblue missust4
first i must say that you have a great sense of humor and that is music to my eyes to read
i have posted here a few weeks, and just am focused on my main curse that others pale in comparison and that is ofcourse depression,
BUT...there are so many other symptoms that i havent gotten into only because it is as if im just whining and going on when i should be grateful for every single day i have. and I AM i truly AM grateful.
Yes the symptoms seem to blur after awhile..
but i do have nausea when im feeling the beginning of anxiety, i have no appetite, just gross nausea and thirst that is not quenched . ive lost about 8 lbs now and people think im doing it on purpose..i simply dont want to eat,a and i dont look good but dont care.
No you are not due for the glue...factory! yes the aches and pains, fatigue its alllll part of this dreadful silent disease that science doesnt want to figure out or at least advocate for...
(both of the numbers you mention are low --im guessing progesterone and estradiol.) super low like mine
be well and hang in there
missust4 mauiblue
Hi, thanks for the rely. Sorry to hear that you feel so rotten, makes my symptons seem not so bad. Mind you, I have felt like you and the doc gave me some pills, I took one and felt so bad that I thought I can't carry on with these until they get into my system and keep working so I decided against them. Are you on any medication? If you need to vent, you know where to come, that rather large queue going round the block!! As females we have to deal with enough crap without this being thrown at us but we will get through it. Can you imagine some males going through it lol. I'd pay to see that. Take care, come and chat anytime x
chrisann144 missust4
Boy I could write a book on this bs ughhh my best description of perimenopause it's like puberty and pregnancy symtptoms I love it when the nausea comes out of nowhere then I'm eating crackers and ginger ale like I'm preggo then there's the pimples and not knowing when I will get another period there's the puberty part and so many other symptoms that we all are going blood work has come back normal but my primary put my diagnosis as perimenopause he said the blood work isn't the whole story he goes by the symptoms it would be nice to actually feel good everyday there is another symptom comes on then goes away I'm like really? Lol gotta have a sense of humor that's for sure or I would be crying everyday lol
missust4 chrisann144
I feel you r pain lol. When the doc finally said that I was going thru the menopause, I came out punching the air like yeah!! I think hubby thought I was mad but basically it was at least one diagnosis that I had been given so knew what I was dealing with. Our doctors don't usualyy do the blood tests until you've had no periods for a year so it's muddle along until then. I know what you mean about the symptoms, just add another to the list then they go and something else takes it's place until it's time for them to return. Last night I was laid in bed thinking I've not had the twitching legs for a while and low and behold there they were twitching like mad and kicking out as I'm trying to get to sleep. Oh the joys of being female!! Here's to the next symptom lol x
chrisann144 missust4
Hahha!!!!! Thank God my dr even said the blood tests don't show the whole picture he said your symptoms are telling me a story tho because I am a nurse and we have worked together in the past he will do whatever I want with blood work so I have my hormones checked since my cholesterol is on the high side I'm like might as well check! I'm still waiting on my period that I was suppose to get last month I got it July 1 so my period tracker had me getting it at the end of the month here we are almost the middle of August and nothing thank god but I have had a ton of hot flashes ughhhh fun fun fun I'm hot then cold then hot then cold seriously.... gotta try and have a sense of humor through all of this
missust4 chrisann144