Nausia and tired.
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Hi all.
having some deliberating symptoms yet again with this glorious peri lol.........
for days ( suffered a couple of months back and did buy some supplements But made me very drowsy!) with feeling nausia, I also feel extremly tired, so to the point that an hour ago it suddenly came on me to the point I did drop off asleep?!!!
and this I have rely like this gosh for a while now! I'm sure it's common at this stage for us all so am I right in thinking this is Fatigue?
so my question is 1- is there anything to help with the Fatigue? And with also the nausia? Another is acid reflux mine has gotten 90
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millyabh Shelly0069
i drink alot of Ginger Tea, and eat little and often - then when im better eat like a pig to gain back the weight i lose!
unico31026 Shelly0069
debbie75601 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 debbie75601
many thanks for all your helpful tips........
felt bloody awful yesterday with the Nausia ans Fatigue........
Debbie75601 I'm may try Zofran this nausia is horrendous I have 3 children and found Sunday absolute deliberating......... Do u buy this over the counter at the chemist?
And to add to my symptoms I've just found out I have Hernia (stomach) sooooo have an appoitment at the hospital soon. Oh the joys of being a friggin women!!.
debbie75601 Shelly0069