nearly 5 weeks

Posted , 5 users are following.

I can honestly say for people starting this med to give it time im not 100% but im slowly getting there on 50mgs, i think most of us wanted a quick fix and any type of med that works on brain receptors will take time from 2 weeks upto 8 weeks maybe even longer in some people. Ive given my full support to this medication because its not going to cure you without highlighting the main problem. If someone is still having side effects after 3 to 4 weeks then dont panic as they will fade and it does not mean its not working it just takes time. Sertraline is known for its slow progressive nature. Im having some great days now and definitely know its starting to work as i can last longer than 2 seconds in a conversation without going crazy with anxiety. After 3 nearly 4 weeks it seemed that it wasnt working but belive me that soon changes. I have to give this med 8/10 its giving me my life back slowly, but id rather it be slowly than not at all. 

Best advice is give it 2 full months or 8 weeks which ever way you look at it. I was on citlopram years ago and it took 3 months to be back to normal so this med is a relife to be honest.

Im always here if anyone wants a chat..... Take care guys 

1 like, 11 replies

11 Replies

  • Posted

    I agree! I suffer from anxiety.

    I've been on it for exactly 3 months. I had some of the worst side effects you can imagine. However, I stuck it out and I'm  doing great! I have some break through anxiety here and there but my life is back. This isn't a cure all for me. It just makes my mind more rational to deal with the anxiety I have. I am also on 50mg. Good luck everyone it does get better!

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. 

      Was it 8 weeks for you to notice things or was it sooner. 

    • Posted

      I definitely started to notice a difference in the 8 weeks, wasn't having much anxiety. When I did I felt it was the worst anxiety i had ever had, but I think it just was that my mind started to feel clear so when I did have those moments they did feel that bad even though they werent. I'm on month 3 and just feeling like my life has returned. So it takes time. I feel by month 4 i will be great!
  • Posted

    Such great feedback - thank you!

    So glad to hear that you are having more positive days than before, and as you say sticking with it is the only way as it doesn't happen over night.

    It has taken me a good 6 months to come round to the idea of taking sertraline and now I'm plucking up the courage to take the first pill as I'm not looking forward to the heightened anxiety BUT have to remember it's good for the long term 😀

    • Posted

      Good for you it was the best choice i made.

      My side effects wasnt at all bothersome. 

      Day1... A few 5 second rushes of hot blood sensation.

      Day2... Icky stomach with the runs just like a slight hangover nothing bad



      Day5 just the same

      Day6 free of side effects all gone but a little sleepy amd sleep deprived but nothing a sleeping tablet couldnt sort out. 

      Weeks 1.2.3 nothing happend by week 4 i was having 1 good day then 2 normal boring days.

      Now im week 4 and a few days i seem to be picking up even more so its amazing to even feel it working 30% at this moment and hopefully will only get better

  • Posted

    Hi Scott 

    That's good to know as I am having an horrendous day today! It's been 3 weeks tomorrow but Last night although so tired I had 2 hours sleep and today I have had flu like symptoms and felt so sick! It's so hard to know what to do, I keep thinking I'm coming off these damn things as I feel worse than I did in the first place! Please give me a glimmer of hope in so down sad 

    Glad you are feeling better 

    • Posted

      Hi there, 

      The reason i put this up was to give others hope as this tablet doesnt work straight away its a slow process so stick with it. Weeks 3 i had nothing happen at all but seeing good days now. Normally takes a few months so your half way there nearly.

      Keep going you will see a change on odd days very soon

    • Posted

      Thanks Scott I will hopefully feel better soon then and hope this dreaded feeling will be a thing of the past! 

      Does the sleep improve? 

    • Posted

      Thanks Scott I will hopefully feel better soon then and hope this dreaded feeling will be a thing of the past! 

      Does the sleep improve? 

    • Posted

      Thanks Scott I will hopefully feel better soon then and hope this dreaded feeling will be a thing of the past! 

      Does the sleep improve? 

    • Posted

      Im not to sure im still getting not alot of sleep but some days i am so maybe it does settle down. I hope so though but ive heard it does settle down 

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