Nearly 62 Years Still Not In Menopause
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Hi Ladies:
I'm nearly 62 years of age (will be 62 in July of this year).
I've had 2 D&C's done (2010 and 2016),
2 Hysteroscopies
Endometrial Ablation (2010 which distorted the uterus)
Uterine Prolapse in my late 30's
6 Biopsies (latest May/2018)
Too Many ultrasounds to count now
Polypectomy (2010 but, none found with hysteroscopy in 2016)
Endometrial Hyperplasia NO atypia
I have tried 5.5 months of Provera at 10 mg (landing me in an ER because of HEAVY bleeding while on it steadily)
10 mg of Provera CYCLICALLY for a year (still going back to Hyperplasia NO atypia
Mirena IUD for 3.5 months that caused bleeding and cramping so badly that I was taking Advil day and night and Aura Migraines that the manufacturer and ER docs said to "get it out NOW"...which I did have done.
Went right onto Prometrium 100 mg vaginally for nearly a month (constant bleeding and cramping)
Then, the gynaecologist (I've had 3 of them as they passed me to one another) said to come off of everything. I did. No bleeding for about 8 months.
Now, I am bleeding steadily, usually late day but can be anytime. I've had my blood tested NO anemia. Biopsy pathology came back as Simple Hyperplasia NO atypia again.
My FSH is 16.8 to 17 pmol/L and stays there, not going up.
Estradiol is 170 (Canadian Value but, that's down from 198 Canadian Value)
I cannot, no matter how often or what I've tried, get ahold of my gynaecologist! I'm SO angry at this!!!!
I have signed papers for a hysterectomy out of pure frustration but, NO date has been set and she said it could be "January to March of NEXT year" before it's done.
I have prescriptions for 2.5 mg of Provera and 100 mg of Prometrium but, frankly...I'm TERRIFIED of trying anything else right now because it makes things WORSE and I've tried it all before with horrendous side effects for me, personally.
I've approached my family doc and she said "don't do anything" but, "doesn't know what to tell me" and will not refer me to another gyn now.
What would YOU do? Any suggestions would help as I am a nervous wreck in spite of all of the testings and can't get in touch with my current gynaecologist. Would you try the same things over again or let it be now?
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jacqueline59683 louellen39047
I'm so sorry, you must be so frustrated, us "late onset menopause" must develop a lot of patience. I'm 55 and I hear you as I'm still menstruating and have had almost all of the procedures you've mentioned except the iud/hormones.
I'm in the States so the health system is different, can you go to a teaching hospital to their gynecology department? My gyno is part of a teaching hospital, but that really hasn't changed what she is doing, which is nothing. There is no way to know if I am closer or not. She did mention that she wouldn't let me get to 59 with a period, she was trying to be funny in front of her intern??? I had a D & C and she said oh your not going to get a period again, a few weeks later i had a period.
Right now the emotional imbalance is whats most bothersome to me. This last cycle lasted 10 days and was lighter, the last 3 years I have had short cycles(4-5 days) but with heavy blood clots. I'm only taking iron, because I'm anemic, calcium/vitamin D/magnesium, dailymulti-vitamin, St. John's wort and my HBP meds.
I am at loss, its frustrating, depressing, I'm just trying prayer, journaling because I'm at my wits end.
I pray we quickly go through this, you're not alone. You'll be in my prayers tonight.
beth12460 jacqueline59683
jacqueline59683 beth12460
According to my gyno it's not a problem, because of family history I can't get HRT. Menopause like puberty varies with each woman. I've never taken birth control...
It is extremely tiring, I've asked her about hysterectomy and she was not for it.
I may have to get a second opinion.
louellen39047 jacqueline59683
Thank you, Jaqueline59683...
55 is considered borderline "late onset" but, is NOT out of the realms apparently. It's the upper range of normal. The AVERAGE age is 51 but, that's taking into account the late onsetters and the early onsetters (early 40's). They average it out to 51 BUT...YOU still have time. It's NOT out of the ordinary. They say 40 something to 55 is considered "normal". Please don't panic. I'm sure that your ob/gyn was joking about the getting to 59 part. If you do, you do. I'm sure that you will stop before then. Loads of women continue having regular periods and either taper off slowly or just stop having them. I don't think that you're out of the ordinary right now. You are likely on the cusp of change within the next couple of years or less.
Thank you ever so much for your prayers. I can use all that I can get right now.
By the way, I journal too!
. I have an adult child (only child) who has estranged herself from us and that is also causing a lot of stress for me on top of other issues. Hmmm...wonder if stress is playing a role?
HUGS and thanks, Jackie! XO
louellen39047 beth12460
Thank you Beth12460....yes, they say that at my age...I "should" be in menopause. HA! Well, I'm not.
And, NO...I am not menstruating naturally anymore. I'm getting this bleeding that is daily (sometimes heavy for a couple of hours then just lessens). The gyn said, "that's the weight of your endometrium 'falling under it's own weight'". Apparently, the Endometrial Hyperplasia (Simple NO atypia) is NOT cancer or even pre-cancer but, a thickening of the uterine lining and indicative of still producing too much estrogen by comparison to progesterone so, she keeps trying to up my progesterone levels by giving me synthetic progestins. That causes its own problems and I do NOT want to go back there again since I've tried it all already MANY times.
beth12460 louellen39047
Help me understand this "no menopause". Is it due to the hormones you are taking or is it natural?
louellen39047 beth12460
Hi Beth12460....yes, I am not "menopausal" according to my blood work by even a long shot BUT...I am NOT taking ANY hormones. I haven't taken any since last year when she (the gynaecologist) took me off of them all. Therefore, this is all natural crud for me.
louellen39047 beth12460
Guest louellen39047
Hi Lou, sounds like you’ve been completely through the ringer. It sounds like you know you shouldn’t do the meds anymore. If you are sure you want the uterus out could you come to the US to do it? Waiting until next winter is ridiculous!
I’m glad to read your letter because my uterus is thickened and right away they are suggesting biopsy, ablation, promethium, d&c, etc.. I think my body is just trying to go thru meno, hopefully it can do it on its own. I don’t want any of those above things!
Have you tried just a natural progesterone cream to see if that can gently work for you?
louellen39047 Guest
Hi Suzanne54870....yes, through the wringer is right! I've been there and back again and no...I do NOT want to start taking hormones again. (AKA Progestins) as it only causes even more issues than it seems to solve. To boot, she's given me a script for 1/4 the dosage I was on before so, it's not going to stop this nonsense as I've tried it all. I totally agree with you saying that. I would come down to the U.S. BUT...I have no means to pay that bill. It would be horrendous to have to do. I think I need a new gynaecologist to be honest. However, we (in Canada) need a referral and my family doc won't do it. I've booked in a new PCP/GP for July 5th where I hope that I can get a referral to another one now, Enough is enough. And, you're winter is not soon enough but, I am questioning if it's even the right thing to do now???
As for your situation...I have had 4 or 5 in office biopsies done. The thicker the lining, the easier it is to have done. Two of my biopsies were post D&C pathologies. Yes, I won't does hurt a bit (like a searing sharp menstrual cramp) for a SECOND. That's it. And, yes, you will cramp and bleed a bit but, it's really over and done with quickly. It's just getting into a PAP position and the speculum like a PAP to open the vaginal walls so that they can see in there and before you know it...they are done and out. It's very quick. Trick Hint: Take Ibuprofen or Naproxen before you go. Take it about 1 hour before your scheduled time *IF* you ever have to have it. I took 400 mg of Ibuprofen before I left this time and barely felt it. I thought that she couldn't do it but, she said, " LOTS!" Oh yes...take your favourite brand of pad with you because besides the gel that they use for like a Pap test, you'll spot or even bleed a bit. You'll need something.
To help you some more...I've had the ablation done and's nothing. You're asleep while they do it and awake and back home in a couple of hours. It's in a hospital that they do it most of the time. D&C...they do at the same time as the ablation so, once you're don't care what they do. LOL.
As for Prometrium...they'd only give you that (it's the bio-identical form of progesterone) if they are NOT doing the ablation. Prometrium can also be used vaginally. The same capsule that you'd take just insert vaginally. It by-passes a lot of the systemic effects that you'd get when taking it orally but, your doc may want to "compound it" into a suppository instead. It depends on her's or his preferences. You can use the capsule either way successfully though...*IF* you need it.
As for the "natural progesterone creams"...we cannot get them up here. Everything is with a prescription and takes a doctor to give them to you. We don't even have the natural creams up here or, I'd be trying it!
Guest louellen39047
I bought natural cream online. And over the counter here. It’s not expensive, like $20. I’d be happy to mail some to you if you’d like.