Neck head pain advice appreciated
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Hi all, around 5 weeks ago I started with severe left sided neck pain, I think it was an injury brought on by repeated vomiting caused by morning sickness. But I'm not sure? It was just the left side, very intense and prevented me from turning my neck in any direction without being in agony. I had an xray which showed my neck was very straight most likely because the muscles had tensed.
3 weeks later the intense pain subsided and I'm now able to turn my neck however for the past 2 weeks my neck hurts constantly, it's not intense pain, it feels deep and aches, it feels like it's in my cervical spine and is very stiff. More worrying the pain spreads up into the base of my skull and I feel quite bad pressure there. It's like I'm struggling to hold my head up. Like my head is a bowling ball.
lying down helps a lot but as soon as I stand and walk about the neck pain returns and so does the head pain/pressure. Iv started physio and seen a chiropractor but it hasn't helped. I take codeine which does slightly help but not with the head pressure.
Any advice ice would be great as I'm a full time carer to my disabled child and I can't get out of bed due to the weird feeling in my head. Thank you.
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