Neck issue - now losing function in hand
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Hello, an old recurring neck issue has started up again for me. It reoccured in July and has been gradually getting worse. I'ts my back and all down my right arm and hand. A couple of weeks ago it got so bad I did not sleep at all for four nights in a row. It has settled a bit but have only had a couple of hours the last two nights.
I've had an MRI and am being referred to a surgeon. The main problem area is c6/c7. The disk has degenerated and the bone has grown so the opening for the nerve has got smaller. My chiropractor explained this to me from the report. GP just said it was a disk problem and didn't seem to have read the report properly. I have booked my appt with the surgeon but the earliest (only) appt available was in January.
GP initially gave me naproxin, but as it wasn't helping he then gave me amitriptyline. This didn't help the pain either so I went back and the nurse prescribed co-codomal. Nothing really seems to be touching the pain.
In the last few days my right hand has stopped functioning properly. can't control it very well - hard to type with. Am trying to avoid using it as it hurts when i do.
Am I right to be worried or is this all temporary and should I wait for the appt in January? Is there any point seeing a Chiropractor? Am I just being a wimp about the pain? When I try to explain how bad it is to the GP and nurse they just seemed uninterested. Should I ask to be signed off from work as commuting and having to sit at a desk seems to make it worse?
Sorry for all the questions - I think I am getting into a bit of a state mentally. Any opinions welcome.
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maureen_65564 DandR
The Chiropractor may be the culprit in this case being that you ate having arm issues!
I'm having the hand/arm thing going on right now myself!
Chiropractor work is good if you get a good one and one who doesn't have you coming back to much!
Mine had me going way to much and I had to be the one to say ENOUGH!
When one ends up in more pain and constant side effects its time to pull the plug!
The arm thing may or may not be permanent!
Google the side effects of the C-8 you'll see what I mean!
DandR maureen_65564
maureen_65564 DandR
It could still be nerve damage stemming from that area!
Hopefully you have a Dr who understands this and gets you on the right path !
I'm at a point of limbo myself, not sure what to do next,but I do know mine started immediately after an adjustment!
Let me know how things go and I'll do the same!
Good luck
katie50361 DandR