Neck pain
Posted , 6 users are following.
I woke up Friday morning with sore neck down lie left side sharp pain down my left side for head down to my fingers but thought nothing of it but now I getting
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Posted , 6 users are following.
I woke up Friday morning with sore neck down lie left side sharp pain down my left side for head down to my fingers but thought nothing of it but now I getting
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hope4cure sharon09057
kris11713 sharon09057
michelle10954 kris11713
kris11713 michelle10954
I never met the MD scheduled to inject my neck with 2 steroids; so I pestered his office with questions; was told him I could not see him until day of injection. Finally he -- in person -- called me!! He said the epidural would probably NOT help; he didn't even know I was already scheduled with him for the shot (neck verteba or into spinal canal had not been determined) In fact he had not even seen my MRI!
Give us an update; did epidural help you? what was the diagnosis to justify it in the first place? your symptoms?
michelle10954 kris11713
laura48798 michelle10954
I have terrible neck pain and it is constant. I thought it was bad posture or I had slept funny but now I'm beginning to think it's nerve damage. I saw my physiotherapist about 6-7 weeks ago where he did some adjustments on my neck, ever since then I've had neck pain, tingling sensation on the left side of my face and head and the same pressure tingling feeling across the bridge of my nose. Initially I was told by my GP that I had acute sinusitis but the antibiotics and steroid nasal sprays don't seem to be doing anything. I'm seeing my GP tomorrow morning and I'm going to request having an X-ray on my neck etc to see if they can see anything.
Has anyone else had similar symptoms??
kris11713 sharon09057
I could not get passed "but now I'm getting "......what happened next?