neck pain can anyone help?

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in nov 2007 i had a whiplash injury but only minor. i would have dizzy spells if i moved my neck in a certain position but just ignored this. then i started having ''electric shock'' feelings in my neck. had physio but it didn't do much good. well last week while i was getting out of bed i felt an almighty CRUNCH in my neck and for 30secs i was totally stuck, now i am in constant pain and it has gone down my right shoulder i cant sleep cos its worse when i lay down, just agony :cry: . i went to my gp yesterday and she prescribed me ....diazepam... :? along with strong painkillers. well i did sleep last night but kept drifting in and out cos of pain. she didn't suggest an x ray or anything and i wondering if she should have cos it really was an almighty crunch. i really would appreciate any help or advise i just feel so bloody useless.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh dear, sounds like youve got a prolapsed cervical disc or something :?
  • Posted

    i was working one day and suddenly i couldn't hold my head up. the dopctors said ity was whiplash syndrome. I had never heard of it. They did order x-rays and ct scans and mri's but nothing was found. Please insist to your doctor that it is worrying you and you want a scan done. I know how you feel its scary but it takes something almighty to do real damge. You will be fine. Take the diazapam its good to relax the muscles around that area because if they get tense then everything gets tense which makes it worse. Also buy a wheat bag that you can microwave, They are instant soothing relivears. very nice. do not trry an orthapeadic pillow they make it hurt even more. My phsio said they are a waste of time. I am just recoving now after 4 months and planning on going back to work on friday. It still hurts but i have to move it around now to get my muscles working and top strengthen my neck again. Hope this helps a little.
  • Posted

    [quote:1f4c953845=\"mollymay \"]in nov 2007 i had a whiplash injury but only minor. i would have dizzy spells if i moved my neck in a certain position but just ignored this. then i started having ''electric shock'' feelings in my neck. had physio but it didn't do much good. well last week while i was getting out of bed i felt an almighty CRUNCH in my neck and for 30secs i was totally stuck, now i am in constant pain and it has gone down my right shoulder i cant sleep cos its worse when i lay down, just agony :cry: . i went to my gp yesterday and she prescribed me ....diazepam... :? along with strong painkillers. well i did sleep last night but kept drifting in and out cos of pain. she didn't suggest an x ray or anything and i wondering if she should have cos it really was an almighty crunch. i really would appreciate any help or advise i just feel so bloody useless.[/quote:1f4c953845]

    Hiya Mollymay, smile sad

    That initial prang is very frightening isn't it? I'll never forget it happening to me, I went to the docs, she more or less patted my head and told me to take iprubrophen, 2 years later I am recovering from a spinal laminectomy. Have a look see in tne 'Cervical Spondylosis' section here on the site.

    You do need to ask your doc for an MRI scan, if you can go private all the better.

    You're not useless this blinkin' condition hurts, but it does get a little better.

    Keep your chin up and stay strong

    Em :wink:

  • Posted

    ive got neck pain just now been off work for 7 weeks with it. can only lie flat on back in bed no turning left or right possible. when waking in morning feels like head is nailed to pillow, need help to pull myself up. after weeks of gp pills-diazepam, cocodamol, codydromol, naproxen, tramadol no change. physiotherapy work also not reducing pain. got put in ninewells hospital for a week had xray and mri scan, all clear. discharged with more pills. asked ward doctors about accupuncture, osteopathy they said as it was a severe muscle spasm they wouldnt be relevant. decided myself to phone a local osteopath in yellow pages, went on friday and in one appointment had more help that the lot of the others put together. he manipulated my neck cracked it right and left you could hear the muscles popping. it was agony, i was screaming pain, but felt better after it. he reckons will be fixed withing 3-4 visits. next appointment later today.after gp and hospital advice getting me nowhere id advise trying a local ostepath. wish i did 7 weeks ago.

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