neck pain can anyone help?
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in nov 2007 i had a whiplash injury but only minor. i would have dizzy spells if i moved my neck in a certain position but just ignored this. then i started having ''electric shock'' feelings in my neck. had physio but it didn't do much good. well last week while i was getting out of bed i felt an almighty CRUNCH in my neck and for 30secs i was totally stuck, now i am in constant pain and it has gone down my right shoulder i cant sleep cos its worse when i lay down, just agony :cry: . i went to my gp yesterday and she prescribed me ....diazepam... :? along with strong painkillers. well i did sleep last night but kept drifting in and out cos of pain. she didn't suggest an x ray or anything and i wondering if she should have cos it really was an almighty crunch. i really would appreciate any help or advise i just feel so bloody useless.
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Hiya Mollymay,
That initial prang is very frightening isn't it? I'll never forget it happening to me, I went to the docs, she more or less patted my head and told me to take iprubrophen, 2 years later I am recovering from a spinal laminectomy. Have a look see in tne 'Cervical Spondylosis' section here on the site.
You do need to ask your doc for an MRI scan, if you can go private all the better.
You're not useless this blinkin' condition hurts, but it does get a little better.
Keep your chin up and stay strong
Em :wink: