Neck pain,head pain,lump on my neck,need some insight please!

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So hey, I've recently got back my neck pain in a more constant way. I've always had neck pain due to bad posture I think but it would last for hours and it'd come when I'd sit in the same position for hours. 

Recently  I got my neck pain back but it was constant, it lasted for a week and so and I used a neck collar which kinda helped I think so the pain was gone. 2 weeks later and it's back. I get these stabbing pains to both sides at a time at the back side, and at the sides and even front sides sometimes. Those stabbing pains sometimes radiate on my temple or top of my head and last for seconds (happened the other day when i bended over). I also have shoulder pain along with neck pains, my head feels heavy and all I wanna do is lie down in order not to ''carry'' my head. Sometimes (rarely) I experience low back pains or middle back pains too as well as leg pains that don't last long and don't really bother me.

Last but not least, I have discovered a lump on the right side of my neck that's been there since Christmas,it's not painful, it hasn't changed in size, it has been checked by an oncologist and a pathologist who both said it's nothing serious. Also, I've been told it's tight muscles. I have no idea what to do and it's really getting to me as I feel light headed and dizzy along with that, and also weak. Anyone any ideas? Have been to the neurologist, had an examination, everything was fine she said she's gonna order an X-ray for my neck but I'll insist on an MRI.

Thanks for any replies I might get!

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I also should add that the pain doesn't wake me up, I wake up sometimes with mild neck pain on my occipital area, it's mostly better when I'm walking. I feel pressure when I don't rest it or I'm just sitting on a chair and the pain builds up during the day and becomes worse. Gonna have a brain MRI too along with this.

    • Posted


      Your symptoms sound very similar to mine. I have had neck aches, stiffness, shoulder aches and upper to middle back aches for 10 months. My doctor at first said I had a trapped nerve in my neck but a few weeks later and feeling no better he sent me for a neck and spine xray. I was referred to a rheumatologist who told me I had early stages of osteoarthritis in my neck and spine due to wear and tear and all my symptoms were down to this. I also get headaches, my neck glands feel swollen sometimes and some giddiness. Pain killers, cream for the pain and physio is my treatment.

      Best wishes

    • Posted

      Hey,I'm 19 though, isn't it too early for osteoarthritis?

      May I ask how old are you?

      Thanks for replying, best wishes with your pain too!

    • Posted

      Hi again,

      I agree 19 is too young for osteoarthritis, unless you have had a previous injury or trauma to your neck or back or indeed inherited it. I hope that is not the case. I had spondylitis in my neck when I was sixteen and had to wear a collar. I am 46 now. My problems probably started then. Don't despair, keep visiting your doctor until they find the cause of your symptoms.


    • Posted

      No I haven't injured my neck, however I remember when I was young that I injured my back 2 times but didn't have any problems then.

      Gonna start with an MRI and see what happens! I might have that.

      Thanks again!

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