Neck pain, Headache in different area, Nerve pain at the back of my head everyday
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Hi guys, I dont know where to start this is my 1st time to write like this because of my problem, I am having this kind of problem almost 2 years I think, it will start with Neck pain in the bone area I think then after 30 or 1hour headache and nerve pain will also come, as i observe the pain started mostly before or after lunch in the office most of the time, i went to the doctor for MRI in my head lucky me its negative, I had my xray in the back of my head and neck area lucky me its negative again, I went to 4 different doctors and they just give me pain killer as always, which is not good, as i observed also when im only at home the pain is only less, by the way i am working as an architect, therefore 90% of my life im sitting with my computer, I tried also to consult with opthalmologist he said im in good condition, but as I experienced in 2 years im not healthy and its getting worst, now there is a feeeling that someday blood will come out in my nose, which i dont want to happen, so please, help me, my personal life is already full of sh*t, i dont want to die like this, I already have 2 kids but seperated from me and taken away from me by their mother, I am a failure man most of the time, I want to be healthy and wait for my kids to grow so that i can see them and bond with them, if someone is reading this now with the same problem i had, please help me...
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grahammolyneux Kce
Hi Kce....
I have been almost three years following a fall in which I crushed my head against my shoulder. I spent 51 days in hospital and I have been fobbed off regularly ever since. i was diagnosed with FibroMyalgia and attended a 16 day pain management course which was designed to teach you how to accept the pain and deal with it in different ways.
I have had argument after argument and then last year I went to a private consultant in London who stirred the situation right up saying that looking at my MRI he felt that he would have operated at the start due to prolapsed disc's but he wanted an up to date scan.
When the new scan was done there was a new diagnosis with erosion of the Dens or Odontoid process at the top of my spine. For the first time I have seen a Rhuematologist who has put me right in the picture. I have a serious condition that will need surgery.
Try and get to see Rhuematologist and discuss this area. Also search on google images for "Nerve Map" which will offer you an understanding of exactly where the pain is and which nerve is responsibe for that area.
Hope you get somewhere with it soon
Kce grahammolyneux
question, do you have the same symtoms that I had? can you more pls explain it? thanks..
grahammolyneux Kce
my symptoms from the start.
Following my accident I immediately had headache, all pain over my scalp, pain down my neck into my shoulder's and mainly down my right arm.also I had pain in my hip and in my right leg to my foot and left lower leg to my foot. I was struggling to walk and was having blurred/double vision, I had developed tinnitus.
Everywhere that I had pain I also had light tingling like pins and needles.
I had had two previous spinal column injuries and they new of this but they seemed like they wanted nothing to do with them.
That's a brief look at the start.....
Kce grahammolyneux
james39018 Kce
You should begin with an eye test
And then posture exercises and things might improve
You are not a failure if you have a good job as an architect 👍
I am also seperate from my two children , you have to stay strong to find the solution
Go also on amazon and buy a posative thinking book
This helped me
Kce james39018
I will try to see eye specialis again just to make sure and this exercise? hmmm I am planning some activities just to make my self outdoor active, I'll check this book, this will be a big help, thanks bro.
grahammolyneux Kce
Don't get stuck in a rut like I have for any longer. Demand answers get yours eyes checked, ask to be seen by Rheumatologist make some noise to get the answers you need.
There's a great chiropractor in Doncaster he is the leading guy in the UK so if your anywhere near it is called IRTA you will find it on Google he is amazing.
It's your choice, sit back and do as your told and keep taking the meds or shout out and be proactive in finding a cure
Kce grahammolyneux
Hi guys, thanks for the comment, really appreciated, I forgot to say some details, like cracking when I twist my head, because sometimes it helps me to reduce the pain and dizziness, I tried to consult before to a eye specialis and he said it was all fine, I dont think the eye is the problem because the pain start in my nape neck area in the bone aline with spinal cord, then will go up to the head including my nerve and lastly my eyes, but on the second thought my observation was, the less I sit infront of the computer the less pain ill have, but still the pain in my neck will come, there is only a time. but by the way, thanks to all of you, godbless and good health for all of us. =)
grahammolyneux Kce
Kce grahammolyneux