Neck pain......which leads to sinus/or very bad headache?

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Morning ladies ,

just wondering if anyone can relate to my symptoms here goes:

im female 47, suffered 20plus years with migranes so I know that I'm not experiencing a migranes......for 2years I have had quite bad neck pain which has always resulted in to a migrane or headache.

anway this pain in my neck is much more frequent and hell of a lot more intense....lately been suffering with sinus problems and brought sinus tablets from the chemist which have been helping.

the neck pain I have mentioned to the doctor who wasn't at all concerned BUT I am I would like it looking at BUT how do I go about it? Who do I see does it mean get a referral of my GP anybody?

this leads to headaches sinus problems and I would like someoneto take a look at my neck!

it does ease when I have a hot water bottle around my neck but when I'm at work I tend to use a heat pad BUT this however has started to irrite my skin and I end up taking the pad off and suffering through my shift! Which is very un comfortable and very painful ?!!.

i also get throbbing pain to which wakes me up and cannot sleep again as its so intense

like I said I do suffer with migranes but lately it's sinus related, throbbing head and pulsing / throbbing on one side of my head? Can anyone reccomed me to anyone or what I'm to do to help with these issues.thanks in advance 

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Its sounds like you need an xray. I would go back to the doctors again & ask for one! tell him the pain your in.

    Also you may need a cold pad as heat will make the neck swell restricting movement!

  • Posted

    Hi Shelly I certainly can relate to your symptoms and I've posted a few times here about my neck pain - it's has been terrible for me over the last 5 months. Doctors are not terribly helpful - all I can suggest is you go and see an osteopath - I saw a cranial osteopath but the treatment was too gentle - it eased but never completely went so I went to see an osteopath and my symptoms have virtually disappeared (for the moment anyway) - I was fearing I had something dreadful. They can pick up on the problem and tell you whether you need an X-ray or just osteopathic treatment with a few exercises - it really is worth a try. You have probably trapped a nerve somewhere which is affecting your sinuses - good luck x

    • Posted

      Hi wow did it really work I'm sooooooo fed up with this ongoing pattern with my neck.

      ive had it for 2years but just getting worse, and the pain is happening more frequent, when it first started it only used to appear when I was due for my period although now for many months it's appearing a lot more frequent?

      which either leads to a full blown migrane or very bad headache? And for months the sinus problems have kicked in?!!!!!!!!

      how do I go about enquiring about a Osteoopath?

      do I get referred or has it to be done privately?


    • Posted

      Hi Shelly, yes it does work, but it takes time to be rid of the pain as it took time to get this bad. I'm still working on it however it feels much better! As far as a specialist you need a referral from your doctor. Push him, or go tithe emergency room. They will refer you. ??

    • Posted

      Are you based in UK? If so Google to find osteopath in your area - or ask a friend who has used a good one - approx cost is £50 - osteopath will point you in right direction in terms of needing X-ray or not - good luck

    • Posted

      Does that not tell you it's migraine related as you state it first started to appear when you were due for your period.  Sounds like prodome menstrual migraine! And yes, it will get worse.  Sounds like you are now getting it each time you are getting a migraine. An osteopath won't help and you will be wasting your money if it's migranie connected. Save your self time and money and deal to the migraine. See comment below.  I have been where you are Shelley and it sucks. Happy to say there is help and support to get rid of those darn migraines.  

  • Posted

    Hello Shelly 0069,

    I am so sorry to hear of your problem. You probably need physical therapy, as it sounds like you carry stress in your neck like I do. My pain was so excruciating and I suffered silently until I googled pressure points for neck pain. I applied pressure to a few simple areas with my own fingers and finally I can lay on my pillow again. You can find pressure points for nearly every possible ailment and get relief. I hope I've been able to offer some type of help. Many blessings to you Shelly

  • Posted

    If it is sinus it can affect your neck, I had a sinus infection once and it can cause discomfort in your neck and even on top of your head and on the sides It can be quite painful and really affect your eyes x
  • Posted

    Hi there. Are you a chronic migrainer, or do yuo just get the odd migraine?  If you migraines seem to be getting worse nearing menopause, then it will be causing other issues as well.  I always used to think I had something wrong with my neck, but it was just prodome migraine stuff. You will also get sinus symptoms, like a blocked nose on one side etc.  THAT is migraine.  Not sinus problems. If you would like to get yr migraines resolved, which ends up helping all these other issues, then go to" Migraine sufferers who want to be cured" on facebook or google it. The Stanton protocol was created my a neuroscientist, and it works to control migraines. She has helped over 4000 men and women to become migraine free, and actually be able to have a life. So... it's up to you. If you are done with taking drugs and still feeling like rubbish, then check it out. i am now pretty much migraine free, and only been on it for 2 months.  I was a getting migraines/headaches almost every day.  Good luck shelley.  Hope to see you there.

    • Posted

      Hi,Thanks Hun, just literally read your post. I will look into this Thankyou sooooooo much here's to hope ( fingers crossed) lol.

    • Posted

      Glad to help.  It will say closed group, but anyone can join.  Just in case it causes confusion, as some saw closed as thought they couldn't join.  Sooooo not the case. smile All are welcome who want to be free of pain!

  • Posted

    Have you googled carotidynia. It might be worth reading up on x
    • Posted


      urm no not heard of this!!!!!!!!

      thanks I'll check ths out, Thanks!!.

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