Neck Pain worries
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So it’s been a week and I have this strange neck pain in one area. It is not my throat, just an area next to it. To be precise to the left of my throat. I have no issues eating drinking etc and my throat is good but everytime I swallow something I feel this pain in that area. It’s not a shooting, agonising pain but it is more or less a discomfort.
I had gone to a concert a week ago. By the end of it my throat was basically done due to the yelling and all. Had a couple of warm lemon tea and it got good in a couple of hours. Then this pain started happening since morning the next day.
I am really worried. I feel like it is a muscle spasm or twitch or maybe a whacky nerve. Not sure. If I tilt my head up or to the side and then swallow, I do not feel any pain.
Has anyone had something like this before ? I am looking to wait it out this week and see if it improves or stays the same or worsens and then talk to an ENT.
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sylwia30346 nipun26
nipun26 sylwia30346
It was a good day for me yesterday. The only time I felt pain was when I was drinking something. Swallowing saliva or food did not cause pain.
I have got a little paranoid as well. Everytime I swallow, my head is virtually focusing on that spot, haha. Being paranoid does not really help you know. Sometimes you feel like you are going mad. I am happy though it is not getting worse. Let’s see how this week goes.
sylwia30346 nipun26
nipun26 sylwia30346
I am wondering if it might be related to post nasal drip. For 3-4 days I am having a stuffy nose. No other cold symptoms though.
I have been treated for nasal drip a couple of years back but never had this issue that time.
I am keeping my fingers crossed as well. Hope I don’t have to go to the ENT.
sylwia30346 nipun26
Have you seen your GP yet this time? Wondering would it be worth running it through him/her? They will prob give you an indication very fast if it is your old issue back again... at least that would give you some comfort knowing what it is. I think the worst thing about anxiety is when you don't know what you are fighting with!
nipun26 sylwia30346
I will most probably go and see an ENT over the weekend.