Neck pain, worst headaches ever, sickness, dizziness - Anyone have any ideas?

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I've got ongoing test, physiotheraphy and consultations about what first started out as tendon pain in my lower left arm which transpired was due to the nerves. Then he tested my neck and left side movement wasn't good (how he put it), including ligaments. MRI showed vertebrae 3-5 are bulging and slight compression on left side.

Physio was for my arm and with arm exercises, this pain reduced. Any exercises to do with me neck, brings on very big headaches which have on times (not always) been literally the worst headaches I've ever had, always accompanied by neck pain and the feeling of being sick and sometimes actually being sick, dizziness, disorentated, kinda feeling confused like you can't think straight, fullness in my head like a pressure all around and also with all of these symptoms, I also get fullnes in my ears/pain in or just below ear lobes and/or eye pain/soreness. I also now suffer from travel sickness, something that has never happened to me before (I travel a lot).

Sometimes I have no headaches at all and other times I feel like my head is about to explode.

I went back to the consultant because he called me and when I told him these symptoms he wanted to review them. He has given me some neck specific exercises and after I have done maybe 2 out of 10 reps I get the headaches and sickness really strong, even if I had the headaches prior t ostarting the exericses. I've been told to do the exercises every hour or two... sometimes if feels impossible.

The consultant also said somethign about a test for something else that he could do but he doesn't want to do that yet because he thinks and hopes that it's all in the neck and not anywhere else.

Has anyone been through anything like this before, with the symptoms and such? 


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    AT the moment I have 4 buldging discs in my neck. luckily the nerve pain eased after about 6 weeks

    The excercises I've stopped doing because I don't know if I'm doing them wrong but it feels worse afterwards

    i'm going to see her tomorrow and try and work out a game plan. which might involve weekly visits massage weekly or fortnightly

    she said it could take up to 12 month to resolve and by that time i will be insane not being to do the things i enjoy......knitting sewing which i have done every night of my life and of course has contributed to it.

    Doctors only talk about surgery..............NO WAY

    and anti depressants for the pain way!

    mine is also in my shoulder and a bit down the thoraxic spine

    • Posted

      Hi Jane.

      I hope that you get sorted quickly

      Unfortunately I have been 3 years on my journey of three prolapsed discs in agony not being able to work or even cycle.

      But I am now faced with a new diagnosis, I forced a new up to date MRI which showed up problems at C1/C2 which I feel has always been a problem. Vision, hearing and balance problems always been there so they missed this at the beginning.

      Rheumatologists are involved now so hoping to see something happen but it seems the only way out of this will be surgery.

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      I saw my physio today and she seems to think it might be more to do with the facet joints which cortisone injections seem to have success helping with. so fingers crossed I really hope it's that. she said people can have buldging disc undected for ages at cause no trouble mine was hitting on a nerve because i have a little bone in my neck that is a bit longer than it should be and thats what caused it to hit the nerve. I hope you get sorted soon it's sound just dreadful. good luck graham


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      The facet joint injections do work well so be very upbeat about them they will do you some good.

      Good luck

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