Neck/shoulder/arm pain
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I had a car accident 9 years ago and was given the old you have whiplash scenario but from that very moment I knew something wasn't right.I had the next year off work.
I have had 2 MRI scans and 3 X-rays all saying there is nothing wrong.
I have had countless sessions of physio and even had accupuncture with electricity passed through the pins all to no avail.
I was then diagnosed with myofacial sensitisation (if thats how you spell it) and and because of the pain not worked for the last 3 years!
My neck since the accident has always "clunked" when looking from right to left and I have always been told not to worry about it..but 3 days ago I found I cannot look left as the pain is unbearable and the only relief I get is to hold my left arm above my head!..there are loads of other symtoms that go with problems but if i typed them all here the server would crash!
Any ideas what this latest problem could be?
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grahammolyneux jonesy79
I had the same sort of injury and have three prolapsed discs and I have now been off work for about 16. Months and they have now said that I have fibromyalgia.
After all the usual treatments I had 4 cortisone injections into the facet joints. I have been told to expect improvement after 5 days or so.
It's another avenue to try. .........
jonesy79 grahammolyneux
grahammolyneux jonesy79
If you can find a really good old osteopath that used to be good for me but unfortunately he is no longer with us.
Their is a thing called "Mixed connective tissue disease" I am trying to get the Dr's to look in to thatfor me.
Best of luck to you
grahammolyneux jonesy79
I had the same sort of injury and have three prolapsed discs and I have now been off work for about 16. Months and they have now said that I have fibromyalgia.
After all the usual treatments I had 4 cortisone injections into the facet joints. I have been told to expect improvement after 5 days or so.
It's another avenue to try. .........